Recuperación y optimización de quesos tradicionales de la comunidad valenciana

Project Details


Traditional valencian fresh cheeses, such as "Servilleta" and "Caçoleta", formerly elaborated with Guirra ewe's milk (Compaire, 1976), are no longer available in the market.This milk was also used for the elaboration of ripened cheeses such as "Burriana" cheese (Fleischmann, 1924), nowadays disappeared, and "Tronchón" cheese (Canut and Navarro, 1980). Some of these varieties, elaborated with milk blends, are available in the market but they do not keep any similarity with the quality and characteristics of original cheeses.The aim of this project is the recuperation and optimisation of the cheesemaking processes of this varieties of cheese to transfer them to cheese industries. The objectives to be attained are:1- Characterisation of products from Guirra ewe's milk. Manufacture of traditional cheeses from Comunitat Valenciana: fresh cheeses ("Servilleta" and "Caçoleta") and ripened cheeses ("Tronchón" and "Burriana").2- Quality assessment, compared with commercial cheeses available at present, made from blends with cow's milk.3- Process optimisation for upscaling.
Effective start/end date7/11/017/11/04

Collaborative partners

  • Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) (Coordinator)
  • Formatgeria Granja Rinya, S.L. (Subproject Responsible)


  • Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT): €74,044.70


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