Què saben i que haurien de saber de la política els alumnes en finalitzar l'ensenyament obligatori? Una investigació sobre educació cívica i formació democràtica de la ciutadania

  • Pagès Blanch, Joan (Principal Investigator)
  • Benejam Arguimbau, Pilar (Investigator)
  • Casas Vilalta, Montserrat (Investigator)
  • Clave Civit, Pere (Investigator)
  • Comes Solé, Pilar (Investigator)
  • Gonzalez Monfort, M. Neus (Investigator)
  • González Amorena, Maria Paula (Investigator)
  • Llobet Roig, Cecília (Investigator)
  • Malagelada Benaprés, Joan Ramon (Investigator)
  • Murillo López de Sinales, Divina (Investigator)
  • Oller Freixa, Montserrat (Investigator)
  • Pons Mir, Manel (Investigator)
  • Pozo Andrada, Maria José (Investigator)
  • Puig Riera, Margarita (Investigator)
  • Valls Cabrera, Mª Carmen (Investigator)
  • Santisteban, A., Antonio Manuel (Investigator)
  • Gavaldà Torrents, Antoni (Investigator)
  • Guitián Aneto, Carlos (Investigator)
  • Gómez Rodríguez, Antonio Ernesto (Investigator)
  • Avila Ruíz, Rosa María (Principal Investigator)

Project Details


There are not many studies in Spain about what adolescents know about politics nor about the status in the secondary school curriculum of civic education. The current research study aims at:- investigating what secondary students know about politics at the end of their compulsory schooling period and determining why they possess that knowledge;- analysing the status of civic education in the Spanish secondary education school sistem, paying especial attention to educational programmes developed in Catalonia, and trying to compare the state of the affair with the situation in neighbouring countries;- elaborating a proposal about upon the concepts, skills ant attitudes regarding democracy Spanish citizens should posses;Making concrete the proposal in several didactic sequences, in which ther will be posed on cognitive and linguistic skills suitable for the development of politic thought and there will be used information and communication technologies. To carry out the didactic sequences in the classroom and to analyse the results.- Elaborating strategies to train both novice and expert teachers, which should be incorporated an evaluated within inicial and in-service teacher training programmesThis research will use quantitative methods to obtain and analise adolescents' civic knowledges and case studies to explore qualitatively, the teaching and learning about politic knowledges in secondary and primary schools and in the development of strategies on teachers' training.
Effective start/end date13/12/0412/06/08


  • Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC): €700.00
  • Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC): €18,400.00


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