La lucha por la palabra. Genero y narrativa de Guerra

Project Details


The conclusions of our current research project demonstrated that one of the central locations for the investigation of the tension between gender and denre is the narrative of war. This is the subject we wish to continue working on. We will therefore proceed using a dual strategy. - To study those periods of history which have been most productive, both in the quantity of texts written as in their questioning of gender performance. Also in their capacity to subvert accepted ideas about the wars they refer to. Our research will concentrate on the practically unknown texts written by foreign women on the Sapnish Civil war, and on the texts written by British women about the Napoleonic wars. - to compare the results os the adove study in order to isolate the major similarities and differences encountered. We hope to accomplish there goals: 1) to make known previously unread texts of interest; 2) to contribute to the rewriting of the literary history of war narratives, which we intuit to be in the area of post-oppositional models. This research project has a strong European dimension: it researches texts and authors whose narratives are prodoundly addected by the notion of Europe at war.
Effective start/end date19/12/0019/12/03


  • Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT): €20,194.00


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