IKUITSE: Integrating knowledge for the use of informatic tools in science education

Project Details


Deeper scientific knowledge through the mastery of Informatic Tools (IT's) is a goal especially pertinent to be achieved by all citizens. Diverse IT' s fit well with the science education needs. Results from a TSER project STTIS (SOE-2CT97-2020) coordinated by the solicitor, show the problematic settled around teaching of science using IT's & the necessity of additional training. Studies on Science Education have evidenced that, besides practical skills, real expertise & meaningful learning cannot be achieved without the connexion & integration of knowledge coming from different fields (education, informatics, science, communication) Encompassing research-based results with theoretical considerations of effective teaching/learning, a Science Teacher Education package CASCADE will be elaborated. Cascade effect (non-expert: trainees becoming expert trainers) will be used to allow the spreading of teachers ' expertise in European workshops. The objective of the present proposal is to elaborate a Science Teacher education course for the acquiring of expertise by secondary school teachers using IT ' s to teach Science. Materials and resources will be elaborate to integrate a teacher training package CASCADE. This package encompass the results of the TSER research project SITIS (Science Teacher Training in the Information Society) with theoretical foundations from different disciplinary fields (psychology, pedagogy, informatics, analyse of discourse and visual language), to improve the quality of Secondary School teaching of Science using Informatic Tools. In particular, about the use of Computer-Based Laboratories (CBL) , Simulation tools and Internet for the learning of science and technology , which are the most suitable for this educational level.
Effective start/end date1/10/0230/09/04


  • European Commission (EC): €56,000.00


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