Història local a Catalunya. Estat de la qüestió i proposta de metodologia i anàlisi de cara a la creació d'una base de dades

Project Details


The project proposes the elaboration of a general balance of the present state of Catalan historiography, as the basis for the methodological preparation of systematic future research in local studies. This project would serve, it is hoped, as the start-up of a computerized database. To develop these long-term proposes, acompendium of local studies would be first established, assuming that sources may be localized, and then this material's characteristics would be analyzed. In second place, one bibliographical index reference model would be elaborated and the best software for maximum acces and cross-reference would be designed. In the third place, deriving from the last point, an index code serving as a thesaurus for defining the documents would be elaborated, fourthly, processed by reading and summarizing the bibliography in the various libraries in which it is located. Finally, the su
Effective start/end date2/08/902/08/93


  • Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (DGICYT): €24,521.30


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