High pressure treatment of liquid foods and derived products

    Project Details


    The principal aim of this research project is to develop the use of high pressure (HP) as a food processing technique, especially for liquid foods. It is believed that this unit process could increase the competitiveness of EU-produced foods by improving their quality, extending shelf-life and offering the potential to devise new food products with novel taste and texture profiles.
    Effective start/end date1/09/9631/08/99

    Collaborative partners

    • Danone, S.A. (Project partner)
    • Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL) (Project partner)
    • GEC ALSTHOM ACB (Project partner)
    • Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) (Project partner)
    • Pernod Ricard (Project partner)
    • Queen's University of Belfast (Project partner)
    • Ghent University (Project partner)
    • Unigate plc (Project partner)
    • Institute of Food Research (Coordinator) (lead)
    • TEAGASC- Agriculture and Food Development Authority (Project partner)


    • European Commission (EC): €1,097,180.00


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