Gramàtica comparada del català i l'espanyol (I): determinació i quantificació

Project Details


Our coordinate project is a study of microparametric comparative syntax. It intends to carry out a study of the aspects where Spanish and Catalan diverge in their grammatical behavior, despite of the fact of being typologically alike languages. We depart from the assumption that a detailed analysis of both their syntactic similarities and differences will allow us to offer a better understanding of the principles that underlie their respective grammatical systems. At the same time, the research will offer a better understanding of the principles that underlie their respective grammatical systems. At the same time, the research will offer us empirical proofs for contrasting and delimiting language universal principles, as they are conceived in the theoretical framework of generative grammar. Specifically, the project will describe and analyze those aspects of the grammar of Spanaish and Catalan that are particularly relevant for establishing the terms of linguistic variation: (i) the expression and articulation of modality, temporality and modal harmony; (ii) the manifestation of negative polarity; (iii) the expression of determination, definiteness and genericity; (iv) strategies for the quantification of entities and gradation of properties; (v) characteristics and use of weak and stong personal pronouns; and (vi) the lexical structure of predicates and their syntactic realization
Effective start/end date10/12/039/12/06

Collaborative partners


  • Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT): €15,000.00
  • Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT): €46,920.00


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