Genotoxicitat per radiacions ionizants en línea germinal de rates famella adultes (Rattus Norvegicus SD). Estudi d'un anàleg de la GN RH com a radioprotectors.

  • García Caldés, Montserrat (Principal Investigator)
  • Cabero Roura, Lluis (Assessor)
  • Egozcue Cuixart, Josep (Assessor)
  • Albarracín Navarro, José Luís (Investigator)
  • Calaf Alsina, Joaquim (Investigator)
  • Fernández Pérez, Jesús (Investigator)
  • Garcia Gil, M. Del Mar (Investigator)
  • Parrilla, Juan José (Investigator)
  • Rodríguez Hernández, José Ramón (Investigator)

Project Details


One of the main effects of radiotherapy in humans is the fertility problem that appear after X-irradiation. The principal aim of this study is to kenow the protective effect of a Gn-RH analogue in the ovary and reproductive life of adult irradiated rats. At the same time we will try to deepht in the hereditary problems. That cause X-irradiation. In this sense we will study fetuses, ovaris and oocytes from control and irradiated females with and without analogue treatment. This experimental design will be apropiate to evaluate the radiation during adult life in fetuses rat, ovaris, somatic and germ cells.
Effective start/end date17/05/9931/12/01


  • Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias de la Seguridad Social (FIS): €18,006.30


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