Generació de freqüències de terahertzs mitjançant línies de transmissió no lineals i dispositius de buit microfabricats basats en feixos electrònics

Project Details


Due to their potential aplications (broad band communications, sensing, medical diagnosis, etc.), nowadeys there is a great interest in the terahertz range of the electromagnetic espectrum (100GHz-10THz). Spetially for the development of integrated, robust and reliable terahertz sources. This project has two parts. The first one is devoted to the study of the indirect generation of terahertz radiation by means of non linear transmission line (NLTLs) frecuency multipliers. The aim is to gain insight in the comprehension of harmonic generation (based on soliton-like propagation in the line), and ti develop simulation tools that allows us to relate soliton generation and propagation to transmission line parameters. From this, we will be able to make predictions of the behaviour of NLTLs as frecuency multipliers. This behaviour will be validated by means of the use of commertial software and from the caracterization of hybrid frecuency multipliers, fabricated at the Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona. The main aim is to obtain design rules for the optimization of a monolithic multiplier, taht will be fabricated and characterized at the University of Lille, with the collaboration of the project team. In the second part of the project, electron transport and AC power generation in micromachined electron beam vacuum devices will be studied and modelled. The main aim is toi develop a Monte Carlo simulator useful as a design tool for the optimization of device geometry and operating conditions of a reflex-klystron oscillator. From this simulator, a reflex-klystron for operation at 1 THz will be designed, and fabricated at the University of Leeds
Effective start/end date28/12/0127/12/04


  • Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT): €31,102.40


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