Estratègies d'alimentació de porcs en fase final d'engreixament per minimitzar l'eliminació en excrements de salmonella associada a l'estres previ al sacrifici

Project Details


The use of strategies to reduce Salmonella in swine production (recent results of prevalence in Catalonia shows up 79% of farms with seropositive animals) is important because of the three main aspects. Firstly, due to its health importance, being Salmonella one of the main toxinfections in human feeding. Seconsly, the growing value of the alimentary security in the international trading of animal products, and finally the relevant costs associated with the appearance of clinic symptoms of salmonella in farms. At the moment, traditional measurements of Salmonella control, such as biosecurity rules and vaccination, have shown moderate results. Therefore, other approaches have been proposed in order to increase the inherent resistance of animals to Salmonella proliferation in the digestive tracts. Feeding strategies, such as the use of acidifiers, barley or wheat, and rough grinding, have shown the highest efficiencies. Howeverm they also promoted significant decreases in animal performances. The objective of the present project are: i) to clarify the digestive mechanisms likely regulating Salmonella proliferation in digesta, ii) to design feeding estrategies during the fattening of pigs, and iii) to optimize time of lairage prior to slaughtering in order to control Salmonellain the digestive tract of animals during transportation and stay in slaughtering house, minimizing productive and economic consequences
Effective start/end date1/12/0330/11/06

Collaborative partners

  • Sense entitat (Coordinator) (lead)


  • Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT): €7,400.00
  • Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT): €88,550.00


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