Project Details
This project is directed to assess prevalences and risk factors of child and adolescent psychopathology in order to obtain objective indicators for the development of preventive programs and the planning of community services of child mental health. At present, in Spain, there are no available objective instruments for the epidemiological use that permits wide spectrum of psychopathological disorders in the child population. For this reason, any serious study must be preceded by the adaptation and validation of the diagnostic instruments widely accepted by the international scientific community. Subprojects: adaptation of the structured diagnostic interview DICA-R in its versions for children, adolescents and parents, the HEIC-R interview about familial ambience, as well as a set of questionnaires for assessing symptomatology and associated factors to different psychopathological disorde
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 17/02/92 → 17/02/95 |
- Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (DGICYT): €38,765.30
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