Efectos Mesoscópicos en Transistores Mos Nanométricos

Project Details


The scaling of CMOS technology has led to MOSFETa of nanometric dimensions. As such, they present mesoscopic effects and require specific simulation techniques. This project is divided in two parts. In the first one, we will deepen into an original approach of ours to deal with quantum electron transport and we will apply it to nanoscale MOSFET (oxide thickness under 2nm and channel length of 35 nm. to 50nm) simulation. Our main goal is the evalutation of the ultimate limits of MOSFET performance, and we will begin with a ballisstic approach based on the coherent transmission of electron states from source to drain. This approach will be improved by including incoherent scattering mechanisms by means of local models. We will also consider the experimental charanterization of advanced MOSFETs, with particular emphasis on the leakage currents, because these are expected to put the final limit to the scaling of CMOS. Finally, we will proceed to the characterization of mesoscopic effects of electron transport in MOSFETs. In the second part of the project, we will evaluate the characteristics of a device of recent conception, which is based on the controlled (by capacitive coupling of a lateral gate) conduction of quantum wires fabricated by controlled breakdown of a thin oxide. We will proceed to the experimental characterization of the conduction properties of those quantum channels (point contacts) and to the analysis of the mechanisms that control their opening by electrical stress (severity of the breakdown). Finally, we will compare the performance specifications of these quantized conductance transistor device with those of the ultimate nanoscale. MOSFET. After all, the proposed new device can be thought as the narrowest possible MOSFET.
Effective start/end date19/12/0019/12/03


  • Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT): €41,162.10


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