Edició i estudi de vint comèdies de Lope de Vega

Project Details


The essential aim of this project in its first stage is to gather the necessary technical and bibliographical means to establish a critical edition of the dramatic works by Lope de Vega -a process already started. It has to be considered that most editions of the "comedias" have been done according to obsolete or unuseful criteria. This gathering of primary material -old editions and manuscrits- has to go hand in hand with the implementation of the essential technical instruments -vg computers and scanner- and with the building of a bibliographical fund. We plan to elaborate : a) a critical bibliography on Lope's works (secondary material); b) a repertory of Lope's works; c) a thorough paleographic and linguistic study of Lope's autographs in order to establish his "usus scribendi". All this will provide the necesary basis for our work and a guide to the rest of researchers. As the mater
Effective start/end date8/07/948/07/97


  • Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (DGICYT): €65,991.10


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