Project Details
With the purpose of increasing the competitiveness of the SME as well as obtaining safe foods without losses of nutritional value, this project aims to develop and optimize a continuous Ultra High Pressure Homogeniser (UHPH), for application on milks and vegetable milks. This machine will be capable of applying pressures of up to 400 MPa, using a special homogenising system which allows the elimination of microbes while maintaining the nutritional value, and combines this with the development of a system to control the treatment temperature (30-150 ºC). This system could substitute HTST pasteurization and UHT sterilization with less energy consumption and less contamination. The work will focus on the development of dairy products (pasteurised milk, sterilised milk, fresh and ripened cheese from UHPH treated milk, desserts and whey protein concentrates), and vegetable milks (lupine, soya and almond milks). Research will be carried out to ensure the safety of the process (killing of pathogenic micro-organisms, absence of toxic and carcinogenic substances). Five SME, three Universities and two Research Centres will participate in this Project creating a multidisciplinary team. The first part of the work is the design and development of the machine, and its adaptation to the food industry (connections, cleaning procedures, etc.). This machine will be connected to an aseptic tank, which is connected to an aseptic packaging machine (Tetra Pak), to fully simulate industrial production. The second part is the application of UHPH treatment to milks and vegetable milks for drinking (pasteurised and sterilised milks), or for making cheese yoghurt and desserts, and also protein concentrates for additive applications. The effect of UHPH on these foods will be studied: functionality, nutritional characteristics, microbial inactivation and the possibility of the generation of toxic compounds.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/11/04 → 31/01/07 |
Collaborative partners
- Universitat de Montpellier II-Sciences et Techniques de Languedoc (UM2) (Project partner)
- University College Cork (Project partner)
- Formatgeria Granja Rinya, SL (Project partner)
- Meierei Ostenfeld (Project partner)
- Stansted Fluid Power Ltd (Project partner)
- Meierei-Genossenschaft Langenhorn eG (Project partner)
- Institute of Chemistry and Biology (Fed. Res. Centre Nutrition) (Project partner)
- Verein zur Forderung der Technologie Transfers an der Hochschule Bremerhaven e. V. (Project partner)
- Nectina, S.A. (Project partner)
- European Commission (EC): €1,231,360.00
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