Project Details
The main objective of this proposal is to make contributions to the knowledge of the genetic basis of pig reproductive traits with an economic interest. Prolificacy, neonatal survival, maternal ability and fertility are considered. The final purpose is to locate regions of the pig genome involved in the genetic expression of these traits, using DNA genetic markers and candidate genes. A F2 design between Iberian boars and Meishan sows is proposed. These two breeds present big phenotypic differences between them for reproductive abilities, allowing a greater statistical power for QTL or gene detection. The size of the proposed experiment consists of 31 Meishan sows, 3 Iberian boars, 100 F1 sows, 10 F1 boars, and 300 F2 boars. All individuals will be genotyped for around 100 neutral genetic markers along the pig genome, and for 11 candidate genes distributed in 9 chromosomes. El nombre de reproductors involucrats a l'experiment són 31 porques Meishan i 3 mascles ibèrics, 100 femelles i 10 mascles F1 i 300 femelles F2. Tots els individus seràn genotipats per aproximadament 100 microsatèl·lits repartits al llarg del genoma i per a 11 gens candidats distribuits en 9 cromosomes.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 28/12/00 → 28/12/03 |
Collaborative partners
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) (lead)
- Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA) (Coordinator)
- Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA-CSIC) (Subproject Responsible)
- Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT): €102,821.00
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