Desenvolupament d'un procés integrat d'enginyeria enzimàtica en química fina: producció, purificació, disseny del biocatalitzador i aplicació de les lipases de Candida Rugosa

Project Details


The overall objective of this project is the development of an enzyme engineering integrated process in fine chemicals by using the general methodology of biochemical engineering. Specifically the use of lipases produced by "Candida rugosa" as byocatalysts in fine chemical reactions: obtention of natural flavours esters and the preparative resolution of pharmaceutical racemic products. For the aim of industrial exploitation, the optimization of the different steps involved in the process is necessary. Thus, the production of the enzyme must be improved by means of monitoring and controlling of the fermentation process. Separation and purification of the different isoenzymes produced by the microorganisms must be also optimized. Different strategies will be evaluated to achieve stabilized and reactive lipase derivatives previous to the evaluation of these biocatalysts in the different fine chemical reactions. Once time the isoenzyme has been selected, the production, purification, stabilization and reaction steps must be improved. Genetic Engineering methodology will be used to clon the gen of the best isoenzyme and their expression in other microorganism in order to a achieve a massive production of the enzyme.
Effective start/end date14/12/9431/07/00

Collaborative partners

  • Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) (Subproject Responsible)


  • Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT): €107,765.00


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