Control de altas prestaciones: configuraciones y procedimientos de diseño

Project Details


The design of robust controllers has been one of the great deals of linear control theory over the last decades: uncertainty is inherently associated to most control systems and it must be considered in the design procedure. Due to the limitations imposed by the uncertainty, robust control design techniques tend to provide conservative control systems, with performance deterioration when the system does not work near the nominal point. This project deals with the study of new control architectures and new design methodologies to provide uncertainty tolerant control systems avoiding, in some sense, conservativeness. For this purpose, two-degree-of -freedom control configurations and two-step design procedures are to be used to: Allow separation of robustness properties and performance related to current control configuration. Develop for high performance in the presence of uncertainty Build a framework to allow the enhancement of the performance given by a generic controller in a wider operation region. Establish a methodology to combine de design with robust control and with adaptive control techniques for an appropriate reconfiguration of both the controller and/or the model. To promote the application of these techniques, showing their viability, we plan to test the control configurations with the control algorithms by means of two different control platforms.
Effective start/end date1/10/0731/12/10


  • Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC): €46,101.00


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