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StepForME: StepForME - Steps Forward to Meaningful Employment of young people with emotional well-being problems after the Covid-19 pandemic
Sanahuja Gavalda, J. M. (Principal Investigator), Badia Martin, M. D. M. (Investigator), Pérez Romero, A. (Investigator), Fortuny Guasch, R. (Investigator) & Ribes Guàrdia, X. (Principal Investigator 2)
1/11/21 → 31/12/23
Project: International educational programme
INART dis: Fostering social inclusion for all through artistic education: developing support for students with disabilitie
Sanahuja Gavalda, J. M. (Principal Investigator), Moron Velasco, M. (Principal Investigator 2), Badia Martin, M. D. M. (Investigator), Gutierrez Colominas, D. (Investigator), Miquel Bertran, E. (Investigator), Pérez Romero, A. (Investigator), Ribes Guàrdia, X. (Investigator), Robledo Sánchez, A. (Collaborator), Venter, A. C. (Collaborator), Benages Campins, E. (Investigator), Garcia Valles, X. (Scholar), Sangüesa, M. (Scholar), Vela, X. (Scholar) & Bachmann, S. (Investigator)
1/12/20 → 30/11/23
Project: International educational programme
De la hegemonía a la competencia: transformaciones en las estrategias programáticas de las televisiones públicas europeas en los últimos 30 años (UE5)
Garcia-Muñoz, N. (Principal Investigator), Delgado Reina, M. (Principal Investigator 2), Navarro Bosch, C. (Collaborator), Franquet Calvet, M. R. (Investigator), Monclus Blanco, A. B. (Investigator), Prado Pico, E. (Investigator), Ribes Guàrdia, X. (Investigator) & Froilan Rodriguez, C. (Collaborator)
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
1/01/19 → 31/12/22
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Entorno Cross Media: transformaciones organizativas y productivas en los grupos radiotelevisivos.
Franquet Calvet, M. R. (Principal Investigator), Akin , A. (Scholar), Ramírez Pino, R. (Scholar), Villa Montoya, M. I. (Scholar), Marti Marti, J. M. (Investigator), Pérez Portabella, A. (Investigator), Ribes Guàrdia, X. (Investigator) & Soto Sanfiel, M. T. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
1/01/10 → 31/12/12
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Soto Sanfiel, M. T. (Principal Investigator), Bergillos Garcia, I. (Others), Aymerich Franch, L. (Scholar) & Ribes Guàrdia, X. (Investigator)
Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT)
1/10/09 → 31/12/09
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Televisió interactiva a l'entorn cross media: tipologia de l'oferta, els continguts, els formats i els serveis emergents
Franquet Calvet, M. R. (Principal Investigator), Fernández Quijada, D. (Scholar), Ribes Guàrdia, X. (Investigator) & Soto Sanfiel, M. T. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)
1/10/06 → 30/09/09
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Representació del gènere en la informació online dels principals mitjans de comunicació
Franquet Calvet, M. R. (Principal Investigator), Luzon Fernandez, V. (Researcher on contract), Ramajo Hernandez, N. (Researcher on contract), Ribes Guàrdia, X. (Researcher on contract), Soto Sanfiel, M. T. (Researcher on contract) & Blanch Nieto, M. (Investigator)
Instituto de la mujer. Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales
1/01/03 → 31/12/05
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants