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Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
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MEDGREENREV: Re-thinking the Green Revolution in the Medieval Western Mediterranean (6th-16th centuries)
Kirchner Granell, H. (Principal Investigator), Brufal Sucarrat, J. (Investigator), Retamero Serralvo, F. (Investigator), Royo Perez, V. (Investigator), Alcolea Castellsague, G. (Investigator), Pérez-Juez Gil, A. (Investigator), Riera Rullan, M. (Investigator), Collado Padilla, A. (Technician), Esquilache Marti, F. (Researcher on contract), Muñoz Cespedes, R. (Researcher on contract), Villagordo, C. (Collaborator), Pedro Jiménez, P. (Collaborator), García Porras, A. (Collaborator), Pacheco Catalan, N. (Investigator), Molina Campuzano, M. I. (Researcher on contract), Carballo Pérez, J. (Researcher on contract) & Mendonça Gonçalves Varela, R. M. (Collaborator)
European Commission (EC), ERC Synergy Grant
1/06/23 → 31/05/29
Project: International research project
Retamero Serralvo, F. (Principal Investigator), Kirchner Granell, H. (Principal Investigator 2), ALOS, C. (Collaborator), Celma Martínez, M. (Collaborator), Closa Ribera, A. (Collaborator), Diaz Sierra, I. (Collaborator), González, J. A. (Collaborator), HERNANDEZ, A. (Collaborator), López, E. (Collaborator), MONJO, M. (Collaborator), Martínez Enamorado, V. (Collaborator), Mateu Mercade, M. (Collaborator), Molina, I. (Collaborator), Olive Busom, J. (Collaborator), Oliver, J. (Collaborator), Pica, M. (Collaborator), Pacheco Catalan, N. (Collaborator), Perez, S. (Collaborator), Quesada, M. (Collaborator), RIDER, N. (Collaborator), Riera Rullan, M. (Collaborator), Roura, P. (Collaborator), Rovira Rafecas, M. (Collaborator), SOLANES, E. (Collaborator), Sarobe Huesca, R. (Collaborator), TRILLA, A. (Collaborator), Vila Carabasa, J. M. (Collaborator), Brufal Sucarrat, J. (Investigator), Eiroa Rodríguez, J. (Investigator), PARRA VILLAESCUSA, M. (Investigator), Virgili Colet, A. (Investigator), Díaz Sierra, J. M. (Collaborator), Royo Perez, V. (Investigator), Alcolea Castellsague, G. (Collaborator), González Alerm, P. (Collaborator), Gordillo, I. (Collaborator), Eguía, L. (Collaborator), Ferreyra, S. (Collaborator) & Menéndez, S. (Collaborator)
1/09/21 → 31/08/25
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Infraestructuras y espacios ganaderos en las montañas septentrionales valencianas: el caso de la Tinença de Culla (siglos XIII-XVII)
Royo Pérez, V., 12 Jan 2024, Tecnologías e infraestructuras productivas en los espacios interiores de la Corona de Aragón (siglos XIV-XVI). Navarro Espinach, G. & Villanueva Morte, C. (eds.). Murcia: Sociedad Española de Estudios Medievales, p. 271-288Research output: Chapter in Book › Chapter › Research › peer-review
Martín Viso, Iñaki (ed.), Pastos, iglesias y tierras. Los comunales en la Meseta del Duero (siglos ix-xii), Madrid, Sílex Ediciones, 2022, 426 pp. ISBN 978-84-19077-32-5.
Royo Pérez, V., 2023, In: Cuadernos del CEMYR. 32, p. 496-499 4 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Literature review › Research › peer-review
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Silvia M.ª Pérez González y José A. Mingorance Ruiz: Los pagos de viñas de Jerez de la Frontera en el siglo XV. Tierra, mercado y propietarios. Dykinson S.L., Madrid, 2023, 113 pp.
Royo Pérez, V., Dec 2023, In: Historia Agraria. 91, p. 305-308 6 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Literature review › Research › peer-review
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Susurros en las tinieblas. Las mujeres en el mundo rural valenciano durante la Baja Edad Media
Royo Pérez, V., 23 Oct 2023, In: Studia Historica, Historia Medieval. 41, 2, p. 159-181 23 p.Translated title of the contribution :Whispers in the Darkness. Women in the Valencian Countryside During the Late Middle Ages Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review
Open Access1 Downloads (Pure) -
El medievalismo en un mundo globalizado
Royo Pérez, V. & Brufal Sucarrat, J., Dec 2022, In: RiMe Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea. 11, I, p. 5-11 7 p.Translated title of the contribution :Medieval Studies in a globalised world Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review
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La construcció i la definició de la societat rural en el regne de València. Conflictes, mediacions de pau i arbitratges en les comarques dels Ports i el Maestrat (1232-1412)
Royo Pérez, V. (Author), Rabassa i Vaquer, C. A. (Director), 5 Jun 2015Student thesis: Doctoral thesis