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C-BLUES: Carbon sequestration in BLUe EcoSystems
Arias Ortiz, A. (Principal Investigator), Rodellas Vila, V. (Investigator), Bruach Menchen, J. M. (Technician) & Qin , Y. (Predoctoral)
1/04/24 → 31/03/28
Project: International research project
Towards a net-zero climate-resilient Ebre Delta
Arias Ortiz, A. (Principal Investigator), Alemany Sancho, A. (Investigator), Alorda Montiel, I. (Investigator), Alvarez Segura, N. (Investigator), Badia Moragas, A. (Investigator), Barton, S. (Investigator), Bertomeu Paga, F. (Investigator), Cabanes Vizcarro, P. (Investigator), Estruch Puig, C. (Investigator), Frias, S. (Investigator), Ibáñez Martí, J. C. (Investigator), Molero Lorenzo, J. (Investigator), Roca Marti, M. (Investigator), Rodellas Vila, V. (Investigator) & Rodriguez Puig, J. (Investigator)
29/01/24 → 28/01/26
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
WINDERS: El papel de la resuspensión de sedimentos inducida por viento en los procesos de eutrofización del Mar Menor
Rodellas Vila, V. (Principal Investigator), Feliu, J. C. (Investigator), Gilabert Cervera, J. (Investigator), Arias Ortiz, A. (Collaborator), Green Ruiz, C. R. (Collaborator), Bergeler , S. L. (Collaborator), Mena Oliver, C. (Collaborator), Soler Membrives, A. (Investigator), Soler Ortega, M. (Investigator), Serra Putellas, T. (Investigator), Sánchez Marín, P. (Investigator), Santos-Echeandía, J. (Investigator), Bernárdez Rodríguez, P. (Investigator), Belmonte Abellán, P. J. (Collaborator), Ferez Melgarejo, G. (Collaborator), Heimbürger-Boavida, L. E. (Collaborator), Velázquez Gómez, M. (Collaborator), López Castejón, F. (Collaborator), Romera Castillo, C. (Collaborator), Montero Curiel, M. (Collaborator), García-Bravo, A. (Collaborator), Ruiz-González, C. (Collaborator), Folkard, A. (Collaborator), Rodríguez de Mesas, C. (Collaborator), Bruach Menchen, J. M. (Collaborator), Fullana Leal, J. (Collaborator), Alcaraz Oliver, N. (Collaborator), Romano Gude, D. (Collaborator), Alorda Kleinglas, A. (Collaborator), Diego Feliu, M. (Collaborator), Rodriguez Puig, J. (Collaborator), Alorda Montiel, I. (Collaborator), Morote Sánchez, B. (Collaborator), Muñoz Piñol, M. (Collaborator), Roca Marti, M. (Collaborator), Casas Papell, G. (Collaborator) & Bratkic:, A. (Collaborator)
1/12/22 → 30/09/25
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants