Projects per year
Personal profile
Research interests
Steven Forti (Trento, Italy - 1981) is a lecturer at the Department of Modern and Contemporary History at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). After receiving his PhD in History from the UAB and the Università di Bologna (2011), he has also been a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2014-2022). His research focuses on fascism, populism, nationalism and the extreme right in contemporary times with a special focus on comparative and transnational history.
His publications include El peso de la nación. Nicola Bombacci, Paul Marion y Óscar Pérez Solís en la Europa de entreguerras (USC, 2014); with Enric Ucelay-Da Cal and Arnau Gonzàlez i Vilalta (Eds.), El proceso separatista en Cataluña. Análisis de un pasado reciente (2006-2017) (Comares, 2017); with Francisco Veiga, Carlos González-Villa and Alfredo Sasso, Patriotas indignados. Sobre la nueva ultraderecha en la Posguerra Fría. Neofascismo, posfascismo y nazbols (Alianza, 2019); and Extrema derecha 2.0. Qué es y cómo combatirla (Siglo XXI de España, 2021).
He is a member of the Centre d'Estudis sobre Dictadures i Democràcies (CEDID), the Grup de Recerca sobre Dictadures i Democràcies (GReDDD), the REsearch network for the study of Fascisms, Authoritarianisms, Totalitarianisms, and transitions to democracy (REFAT) and the network Derechas, Historia y Memoria (DHM). He is also a member of the editorial board of the journals Spagna Contemporanea, Tiempo Devorado. Revista de Historia Actual, Suite française. Rivista di cultura e politica, CTXT, Política & Prosa and Il Mulino.
He is currently local PI of the European research project "Analysis of and Response to Extremist Narratives" (ARENAS) (HEU-101094731) (2023-2027) and member of the research project "La derecha en la España democratica (1977-1996). Proyectos, actuación institucional y presencia social" (PID2020-112679GB-I00) (2021-2025).
Research interests
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
External positions
Investigador, Instituto de História Contemporânea, FCSH-UNL
30 Jun 2001 → …
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Pretus Gomez, C. H. (Principal Investigator), DALMASSO , G. (Collaborator), HENDRICKS , R. C. (Collaborator), LIZARAZO VILLARREAL, D. (Collaborator), Marcos Vidal, L. (Collaborator) & Forti, S. (Investigator)
1/09/24 → 31/12/27
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
ARENAS: Analysis of and Responses to Extremist Narratives
Forti, S. (Principal Investigator), Pretus Gomez, C. H. (Investigator), Rio Morillas, M. A. D. (Investigator), Ysas Solanes, P. (Investigator), Soler López, S. (Collaborator), Capurri, A. (Investigator), Gusmeroli, P. (Collaborator), Colome Garcia, G. (Investigator), Albanese, A. (Collaborator), Jareño Gila, C. (Investigator), Le Bouëdec, N. (Investigator), Lefranc, M. (Investigator), Bauvois, G. (Investigator), Määttä, S. (Investigator), Miklossy, K. (Investigator), Grubački, I. (Investigator), Pahor de Maiti Tekavcic, K. (Investigator), Gašparič, J. (Investigator), Konovšek, T. (Investigator), Postigo Fuentes, A. Y. (Investigator), Quiroga Fernández de Soto, A. (Investigator), Farris, S. R. (Investigator) & Mammone, A. (Investigator)
1/05/23 → 30/04/27
Project: International research project
Molinero Ruiz, C. (Principal Investigator), Ysas Solanes, P. (Principal Investigator 2), BOTTI, A. (Collaborator), Bosch Navarro, N. (Collaborator), Ferrer Gonzalez, C. (Collaborator), Forti, S. (Collaborator), García Crespo, G. (Collaborator), Loff, M. (Collaborator), MADEIRA, B. (Collaborator), Rio Morillas, M. A. D. (Collaborator), Soto Sánchez, R. (Collaborator), URIGUEN LOPEZ DE SANDALIANO, N. (Collaborator), VIÑAS GRACIA, C. (Collaborator), Vallejo Bosch, G. (Collaborator), Casals Meseguer, X. (Investigator), Tébar Hurtado, J. (Investigator), Forti, S. (Investigator), Dard, O. (Collaborator), Kühn, A. P. V. (Investigator), Sancho Galan, J. (Collaborator) & Aparicio Rodríguez, V. (Collaborator)
1/09/21 → 31/08/25
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Transiciones a la democracia en el sur de Europa y en América latina: España, Portugal, Argentina y Chile
Molinero Ruiz, C. (Principal Investigator), Ysas Solanes, P. (Principal Investigator 2), Aguila, G. B. (Collaborator), Alonso, L. P. J. (Collaborator), Ballester Muñoz, D. (Collaborator), Bosch Navarro, N. (Collaborator), Casanellas Peñalver, P. (Collaborator), Cristian Ferrer González (Collaborator), Donoso, I. A. G. (Collaborator), Diaz Sanchez, M. (Collaborator), Forti, S. (Collaborator), Gimeno Igual, J. (Collaborator), Gondinho, P. (Collaborator), Gómez, R. A. (Collaborator), Jordi Estarlich Requena (Collaborator), Loff, M. (Collaborator), Martínez Muntada, R. (Collaborator), Sancho Galan, J. (Collaborator), Tébar Hurtado, J. (Collaborator), Domenech Sampere, F. X. (Investigator), Marin Corbera, M. (Investigator) & Vilanova i Vila-Abadal, F. (Investigator)
1/01/16 → 31/12/19
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Perfiles de la extrema derecha europea en la posguerra fría. Tendencias transideológicas y transversalidad de las bases sociales
Veiga Rodriguez, F. J. (Principal Investigator), Amaya Quer, À. (Collaborator), Forti, S. (Collaborator), Gonzalez Villa, C. (Collaborator), Iglesias Cavicchioli, M. (Collaborator), Ortega Exposito, I. (Collaborator), Porokoplievic, J. (Collaborator), Reguera Mateo, M. (Collaborator), Sasso, A. (Collaborator), Ucelay Da cal, E. (Collaborator), de Cock, B. (Collaborator) & Moles Plaza, R. J. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)
1/01/16 → 30/06/19
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
¿La extrema derecha otra vez de ‘moda’? Metapolítica, redes internacionales y anclajes históricos
Forti, S., Apr 2024, In: Nueva sociedad. 310, p. 66-78 13 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research
Open Access -
Democracias en extinción: El espectro de las autocracias electorales
Forti, S., Oct 2024, Madrid. 344 p.Research output: Book/Report › Book › Research
Extreme Rights 2.0: A Big Global Family
Forti, S., Mar 2024, In: NACLA - Report on the Americas. 56, 1, p. 20-27 8 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research
Open Access1 Downloads (Pure) -
Historical Roots of Extremist Narratives: Nation
Rio Morillas, M. A. D., Soler i López, S. & Forti, S., Oct 2024, Historical roots of Extremist narratives in Europe. Forti, S. (ed.). p. 14-27 13 p. (Arenas. Analysis of and responses to extremist narratives).Research output: Chapter in Book › Chapter › Research › peer-review
Open Access -
A extrema direita em perspectiva: espacios, enfoques y alcances
Caldeira Neto, O. & Forti, S., 4 Dec 2023, In: Estudos Ibero-Americanos. 49, 1, p. 1-3 3 p., e-45195.Translated title of the contribution :The extreme right in perspective: spaces, approaches and scope Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review
Open Access