Projects per year
Personal profile
General quality indicators of scientific research
Full Professor (UAB, since 04/2024)
Associate Professor (UAB,12/2009-03/2024)
Doctor of Physical Sciences (1996)
Bachelor of Physical Sciences (1992)
Doctoral Scholar (UAB, 01/1993-09/1996)
Assistant Professor (UAB, 09/1996-09/1997)
Contracted Researcher (Université Libre de Bruxelles, 09/1997-09/1999)
European Union Postdoctoral Fellow (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, 10/1999-09/2001)
Assistant Professor (UAB, 10/2001-09/2004)
Researcher Ramón y Cajal (UAB, 12/2004-11/2009) and I3 recognition
According to the iNSPIRE-HEP database, 96 publications, 2906 citations, 7 very well-known papers (more than 100 citations), 12 well-known papers (more than 50 citations), and an index h=31
3 doctoral theses, 11 master theses, 31 final degree projects
49 talks at international conferences (19 of them invited)
26 invited seminars in different institutes and universities
Referee of the journals Phys. Rev. Lett., JHEP, Phys. Rev. D, Eur. Phys. J. C, and Phys. Lett. B
External reviewer for NSC (Poland)
Head of the UAB Theory Group (01/2021-12/2023)
Deputy director of the UAB Physics Department (06/2014-08/2022)
Coordinator of the UAB master’s degree in High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology (11/2014-11/2018)
Head of the IFAE Theory Division (01/2021-12/2023)
IFAE Coordinator of the Master of Multidisciplinary Research in Experimental Sciences of the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) since 2016
Member of the Academic Working Group of the BIST since 2016
Member of the evaluation and selection committee of the Ramón y Cajal 2010 Program
Principal Investigator of the project financed by the Ministerio Ciencia e Innovación PID2023-146142NB-I00 (€203.500)
Principal Investigator of the projects financed by the Generalitat de Catalunya 2014SGR1450 (€48.000) and 2017SGR1069 (€20.000)
Principal Investigator UAB node of the projects funded by the European Union PrimeNet-HadronPhysics2, MesonNet-HadronPhysics3 and HaSP-STRONG2020 (€341.700)
My recent research activity is developed within the framework of the phenomenology of strong interactions at low energies, with special emphasis on the physics of the eta and eta' mesons.
My current lines of research are effective theories and phenomenological models based on chiral symmetry, the study of processes mediated by strong interaction involving scalar, pseudoscalar and vector mesons, and the analysis of decays of both D and B mesons and of tau leptons.
My research team is made up of S. Gonzàlez-Solís, P. Masjuan, A. Miranda, P. Roig, E. Royo and P. Sánchez-Puertas.
The summary of my research in the last 5 years is as follows. In the field of eta and eta' meson physics: theoretical analysis of the doubly radiative decays of the eta and eta' mesons; determination of the pi0-eta-eta' mixing from the radiative decays of the lightest vector mesons; theoretical analysis of the eta and eta' charge-conjugation conserving semileptonic decays; investigation of the prospect of observing such signatures via CP-violation using the former decays into muons at the REDTOP experiment; and analysis of the sensitivity of the eta and eta' doubly radiative decays to signatures of a leptophobic B boson in the MeV-GeV mass range. In the field of D-meson and tau-lepton decays: combined study of multihadronic D and Ds decays by means of the analysis of semileptonic D decays; and computation of the radiative corrections of tau lepton decays into two pseudoscalar mesons (pi, K). In the aside field of beyond the SM physics, the computation of the pole mass and pole width of the Kaluza-Klein gluon and the prediction for proton-proton cross-sections.
Education/Academic qualification
Ph. D., Física
Award Date: 13 Jun 1996
Degree, Ciències Físiques
Award Date: 29 Sept 1993
Degree, Ciències Físiques
Award Date: 3 Jul 1992
External positions
Becari TMR (Unió Europea), Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
1 Oct 1999 → 30 Sept 2001
Investigador Contractat, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Free University of Brussels - VUB)
1 Sept 1997 → 30 Sept 1999
Becario FPI, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
1 Jan 1993 → 15 Sept 1996
- 1 Similar Profiles
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
- 12 Finished
Fenomenología de partículas elementales
Escribano Carrascosa, R. (Principal Investigator), Roig, P. (Scholar), Cornet, F. (Investigator) & Grau, A. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
13/06/10 → 12/06/11
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Entering the high-precision era of flavour physics through the alliance of lattice simulations, effective field theories and experiment (FLAVIANET)
Peris Rodriguez, S. (Principal Investigator), Downum ., C. R. (Researcher on contract) & Escribano Carrascosa, R. (Investigator)
1/10/06 → 30/09/10
Project: International research project
Física de les interaccions fonamentals
Peris Rodriguez, S. (Principal Investigator), Da Rold , L. (Scholar), Diego Castro, D. (Scholar), Nardini, G. (Scholar), Biggio, C. (Investigator), Cata Contreras, O. (Investigator), Escribano Carrascosa, R. (Investigator), Jamin, M. (Investigator), Matias Espona, J. (Investigator), Pomarol Clotet, A. (Investigator), Quirós Carcelén, M. (Investigator), Silva Briceño, P. J. (Investigator) & Virto Iñigo, J. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)
13/12/05 → 13/12/08
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Física més enllà del Model Estàndard en desintegracions de mesons B
Matias Espona, J. (Principal Investigator), Escribano Carrascosa, R. (Investigator), Jamin , R. M. (Investigator) & Virto Iñigo, J. (Investigator)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
28/05/05 → 28/05/07
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Estimació d'estats quàntics i mesures d'entrellaçament
Baig Aleu, M. (Principal Investigator), Zamora Soto, A. (Scholar), Bagan Capella, E. (Investigator), Bramon Planas, A. (Investigator), Escribano Carrascosa, R. (Investigator) & Sanpera Trigueros, A. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (MECD)
1/01/03 → 31/12/05
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Analysis of the doubly radiative decays η(0) → π0γγ and η0 → ηγγ
Escribano, R., Gonzàlez-Solís, S. & Royo, E., 7 Mar 2024Research output: Other contribution
A primer analysis of η<sup>0</sup>-η-η<sup>0</sup> mixing from V→Pγ and P→Vγ decays
Escribano, R. & Royo, E., 7 Mar 2024Research output: Other contribution
Radiative corrections to the τ − → ðP1P2Þ−vτ (P1;2 = π;K) decays
Escribano, R., Alejandro Miranda, J. & Roig, P., 11 Mar 2024, In: Physical Review D. 109, 5, 23 p., 053003.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review
Theoretical analysis of η<sup>(0)</sup> → π<sup>0</sup>ι<sup>+</sup>ι<sup>−</sup> and η<sup>0</sup> → ηι<sup>+</sup>ι<sup>−</sup> decays, and new-physics signatures via CP violation
Escribano, R., Royo, E. & Sanchez-Puertas, P., 7 Mar 2024Research output: Other contribution
η<sup>(')</sup> → π<sup>0</sup>γγ decays: Test of meson exchange models and searches of leptophobic B bosons
Escribano, R., Gonzàlez-Solí, S. & Royo, E., 2024, In: Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C. 47, 4, 5 p., 245.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review
Algunes aplicacions fenomenològiques dels Lagrangians efectius
Escribano Carrascosa, R. (Author), Massó Soler, E. (Director), 10 Jun 1996Student thesis: Doctoral thesis
Noves fites sobre els moments dipolars del leptó tau
Escribano Carrascosa, R. (Author), Massó Soler, E. (Director), 1 Sept 1993Student thesis: Dissertation (TFM)