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KnowledgeAnalytics: Advanced analytics for knowledge transfer monitoring and evaluation
Esparza Masana, R. (Principal Investigator), Panadès Martí, J. (Investigator) & Roca Sagales, J. O. (Investigator)
1/04/24 → 30/06/28
Project: International research project
Roca Sagales, J. O. (Principal Investigator), Perdiguero Garcia, J. (Principal Investigator 2), Davtyan , K. (Collaborator), Gragera Llado, A. (Collaborator), Miranda Lescano, R. (Collaborator), Montemayor Cejas, P. (Collaborator), Muinelo Gallo, W. L. (Collaborator), Souza Pacheco, T. (Collaborator), Trivin Garcia, P. (Collaborator), Yang, R. Z. (Collaborator), Castells Quintana, D. E. (Investigator), Cervini , M. (Investigator), Esparza Masana, R. (Investigator), Kyriacou, A. (Investigator), Matas Prat, A. (Investigator), Sala Lorda, H. (Investigator) & Sanz Fernández, Á. (Investigator)
1/09/23 → 31/08/26
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Gobernanza y calidad de la sanidad pública en la Unión Europea: un análisis regional.
Roca Sagales, J. O. (Principal Investigator), Kyriacou, A. (Investigator) & Muinelo-Gallo, L. (Investigator)
21/06/23 → 20/05/24
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Roca Sagales, J. O. (Principal Investigator), Sala Lorda, H. (Principal Investigator 2), MIRANDA, R. (Collaborator), Muinelo-Gallo, L. (Collaborator), PHAM, B. T. (Collaborator), Trivin Garcia, P. (Collaborator), Basco Mascaro, S. (Investigator), Castells Quintana, D. E. (Investigator) & Kyriacou , A. (Investigator)
1/06/20 → 31/05/23
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
La eficiencia de la inversión en infraestructuras y el rol de las instituciones: Un análisis empírico
Roca Sagales, J. O. (Principal Investigator)
15/06/17 → 15/01/18
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Calidad institucional, descentralización y políticas publicas
Roca Sagales, J. O. (Principal Investigator), Sala Lorda, H. (Principal Investigator 2) & Kyriacou , A. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)
30/12/16 → 29/12/19
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Sala Lorda, H. (Principal Investigator), Suanes Martínez, M. (Others), Judzik , D. S. (Scholar), Heller, W. B. (Collaborator), Karanassou, M. (Collaborator), Kyriacou, A. (Collaborator), Silva Becerra, J. I. (Collaborator), Trivín Garcia, P. (Collaborator), Vall Castelló, J. (Collaborator), Roca Sagales, J. O. (Investigator) & Trivín, P. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)
1/01/13 → 31/12/15
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Pobreza e igualdad: Métodos e implicaciones - (PIMI)
Ramos Morilla, X. (Principal Investigator), Ayllón Gatnau, S. (Investigator), Cervini , M. (Investigator), Cowell, F. (Investigator), Gutierrez Romero, R. B. (Investigator), Kyriacou , A. (Investigator), Mendez Errico, P. L. (Investigator), Muinelo Gallo, W. L. (Investigator), Oviedo Leon, M. J. (Investigator), Pereira Alfredo, M. (Investigator), Permanyer Ugartemendia, I. (Investigator), Poggi, A. (Investigator), Pérez, C. B. (Investigator), Roca Sagales, J. O. (Investigator), Sapata, C. (Investigator), Serrano Mancilla, A. (Investigator) & Silber Jacques, G. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
1/01/11 → 31/12/14
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Exclusión social, movilidad intergeneracional e igualdad de oportunidades. España en el contexto europeo
Ramos Morilla, X. (Principal Investigator), Poggi, A. (Scholar), Ayllón Gatnau, S. (Researcher on contract), Mancilla, A. S. (Researcher on contract), Ayala Cañón, Luis (Investigator), Blanco Pérez, C. (Investigator), Cantó Sánchez, Olga (Investigator), Cervini , M. (Investigator), Mercader Prats, M. (Investigator) & Roca Sagales, J. O. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)
1/10/07 → 30/09/10
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Multidimensionalitat de la pobresa i polítiques a favor de la inclusió social. Espanya en el context Europeu.
Ramos Morilla, X. (Principal Investigator), Mercader Prats, M. (Principal Investigator 2), Dinarès Quera, M. (Scholar), Jadotte , E. (Scholar), Poggi , A. (Scholar), Ayllón Gatnau, S. (Researcher on contract), Serrano Mancilla, A. (Researcher on contract), Ayala Cañón, Luis (Investigator), Cervini , M. (Investigator), Gradín Lago, Carlos (Investigator) & Roca Sagales, J. O. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)
13/12/04 → 31/12/07
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Infrastructures i competivitat a l'economia espanyola
Roca Sagales, J. O. (Principal Investigator) & Sala Lorda, H. (Investigator)
1/12/02 → 31/05/05
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Analisis de políticas públicas redistribución y crecimiento.
Lopez Garcia, M. A. (Principal Investigator), Jadotte , E. (Scholar), Serrano Mancilla, A. (Scholar), Blanes Cristobal, J. V. (Researcher on contract), Canto Sánchez, O. (Researcher on contract), Ramos Morilla, X. (Researcher on contract), Souto Nieves, G. (Researcher on contract), Spadaro, A. (Researcher on contract), Alcantara Escolano, V. (Investigator), Andrés Delgado, L. (Investigator), Bacaria Colom, J. (Investigator), Busom Piquer, I. (Investigator), Garcia López, M.-À. (Investigator), López García, S. (Investigator), Mercader Prats, M. (Investigator), Padilla Rosa, E. (Investigator), Roca Sagales, J. O. (Investigator) & Santana Garcia, J. A. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT)
19/12/00 → 19/12/03
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Anàlisi econòmic i política pública: Fonaments, disseny i avaluació
Lopez Garcia, M. A. (Principal Investigator), Mancilla, A. S. (Scholar), Padilla Rosa, E. (Scholar), Santana Garcia, J. A. (Scholar), Alavedra Castellvi, A. (Investigator), Alcantara Escolano, V. (Investigator), Bacaria Colom, J. (Investigator), Blanes Cristobal, J. V. (Investigator), Busom Piquer, I. (Investigator), Canto Sánchez, O. (Investigator), López García, S. (Investigator), Mercader Prats, M. (Investigator), Ramos Morilla, X. (Investigator), Roca Sagales, J. O. (Investigator), Souto Nieves, G. (Investigator) & Spadaro, A. (Investigator)
Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior e Investigación Científica (DGESIC)
30/12/99 → 30/12/00
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Conservació i Restauració dels Aiguamolls de la Reserva de la Biosfera de "La Mancha Húmeda". Aspectes Hidrològics, Econòmics i Jurídics
Viladomiu Canela, L. (Principal Investigator), Roca Sagales, J. O. (Investigator) & Rosell Foxa, J. (Investigator)
Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT)
2/09/96 → 2/09/99
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Factors microeconòmics i macroeconòmics rellevants per a un desenvolupament sostenible i equilibrat
Cals Güell, J. (Principal Investigator), Mercader Prats, M. (Scholar), Muñiz Olivera, I. (Scholar), Roca Sagales, J. O. (Scholar), Mallafre Conesa, D. (Investigator), Matas Prat, A. (Investigator), Oliver Alonso, J. (Investigator), Roig Sabate, J. L. (Investigator) & Trullen Thomas, J. (Investigator)
Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT)
25/05/93 → 31/12/95
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants