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  • Formació Inicial amb Pràctiques Basades en Evidència Científica (FIPBEC)

    Birello , M. (Principal Investigator), Andria , M. (Investigator), Camps Casal, N. (Investigator), Casas Deseuras, M. (Investigator), Comajoan Colomé, T. (Investigator), Comajoan Colomé, L. (Investigator), Dengra Oliva, À. (Investigator), Fernández Prat, A. (Investigator), Ferris, D. (Investigator), García Zaragoza, A. (Investigator), González Martínez, D. (Investigator), Ares Llop Naya, A. (Investigator), Lyster, R. (Investigator), McKeown, D. (Investigator), Montenegro Campos, T. (Investigator), Plou Plana, M. J. (Investigator), Puntí Jubany, M. T. (Investigator), Rodríguez Morales, V. (Investigator), Salas , N. D. (Investigator) & Sardà Melis, M. (Investigator)


    Project: Research Projects and Other Grants


    Salas , N. D. (Principal Investigator), Alvarez Cabrera, P. (Collaborator), Cuberos Vicente, R. (Collaborator), Figueroa González, M. (Collaborator), Formiga Ribas, M. (Collaborator), González Manzanero, R. (Collaborator), LISTE LAMAS, E. (Collaborator), LLAURADO SINGLA, A. (Collaborator), Pascual Peñas, M. (Collaborator), Tolchinsky Brenman, L. (Collaborator), Torres, A. E. C. (Collaborator), Andria , M. (Investigator), Cutillas Alberich, L. (Investigator), Mañas Navarrete, I. (Investigator), Soler, O. (Investigator), Ventura Segura, J. (Collaborator) & Ramanchanka , K. (Collaborator)


    Project: Research Projects and Other Grants


    Salas , N. D. (Principal Investigator), BROIDO, M. (Collaborator), Cuberos Vicente, R. (Collaborator), Cutillas Alberich, L. (Collaborator), LISTE LAMAS, E. (Collaborator), LLAURADO SINGLA, A. (Collaborator), Mañas Navarrete, I. (Collaborator), PORTMAN, D. (Collaborator), Pascual Peñas, M. (Collaborator), Tolchinsky Brenman, L. (Collaborator), Vilar Weber, H. (Collaborator), Escobar Urmeneta, C. (Investigator), Joan Perera Parramon, J. P. (Investigator), Rosado Villegas, E. (Investigator) & Soler, O. (Investigator)


    Project: Research Projects and Other Grants

  • Ara l'escriptura. Millorar l'expressió escrita per garantir l'equitat de l'alumnat

    Salas , N. D. (Principal Investigator), Bigas Salvador, M. (Investigator), Birello , M. (Investigator), Casadella Matamoros, M. (Investigator), Casas Deseures, M. (Investigator), Cros Alavedra, A. (Investigator), Duran Rivas, C. (Investigator), España Palop, E. (Investigator), Fontich Vicens, X. (Investigator), Garcia Pastor, M. D. (Investigator), Garcia Vidal, P. (Investigator), Ribas Seix, T. (Investigator), Rodriguez Gonzalo, C. (Investigator) & Santaolària Rius, A. (Investigator)

    Associació Catalana d'Universitats Públiques (ACUP)


    Project: Research Projects and Other Grants

  • Enseñar a escribir: reflexión gramatical y estrategias de autorregulación

    Ribas Seix, T. (Principal Investigator), Arcusa Ferrer, S. (Collaborator), Bigas Salvador, M. (Collaborator), Birello, M. (Collaborator), Casadella Matamoros, M. (Collaborator), Duran Rivas, C. (Collaborator), España Palop, E. (Collaborator), Folch Gomez, M. (Collaborator), Folch Gomez, M. (Collaborator), Garcia Pastor, M. D. (Collaborator), Garcia Vidal, P. (Collaborator), Gil Juan, R. (Collaborator), Gimenez Perez, M. (Collaborator), Giralt Ruiz, M. (Collaborator), Hormigo Sebastia, M. (Collaborator), Hormigo Sebastia, M. (Collaborator), Maria teresa Sans Bertran, M. T. (Collaborator), Martí Climent, A. (Collaborator), Morales Navarro, E. (Collaborator), Pare I Obon, S. (Collaborator), Pascual Peñas, M. (Collaborator), Reig Gascon, A. (Collaborator), Salas, N. (Collaborator), Santolaria Orrios, A. (Collaborator), Silvente Font, S. (Collaborator), Casas-Deseuras, M. (Investigator), Comajoan Colome, L. (Investigator), Cros Alavedra, A. (Investigator), Fontich Vicens, X. (Investigator), Rodriguez Gonzalo, C. (Investigator) & Salas , N. D. (Investigator)

    Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)


    Project: Research Projects and Other Grants