Projects per year
Personal profile
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Education/Academic qualification
Ph. D., Empresa i Sistema Penal, University of Lleida (UdL)
Award Date: 22 Jun 2005
Others, Curs d'especialització: "Mediació Penal i Justícia Restaurativa", University of Lleida (UdL)
Award Date: 19 Jul 2004
Others, D.E.A. Dret Penal, University of Lleida (UdL)
Award Date: 22 Oct 2002
Masters, Criminologia (especilitat en Execució Penal), University of Lleida (UdL)
Award Date: 17 Jun 2002
Others, Curs d'especialització "Violència domèstica", University of Lleida (UdL)
Award Date: 26 Feb 2002
Degree, Dret, University of Lleida (UdL)
Award Date: 30 Jun 2000
Others, Curs d'especialització "La reforma del Dret Penal Sexual", University of Lleida (UdL)
Award Date: 23 Mar 2000
External positions
Becària post-doctoral, École de Criminologie Jean Constant. Université de Liège (Bèlgica)
11 Sept 2006 → 11 Sept 2008
Magistrada suplent a temps complert, Audiència Provincial de Tarragona
15 Feb 2006 → 12 Jun 2006
Becària pre-doctoral, University of Lleida (UdL)
1 Jan 2001 → 31 Dec 2004
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
- 6 Finished
Cugat Mauri, M. A. (Principal Investigator), CURI, F. (Collaborator), Carrera Hortas, A. (Collaborator), Carrillo Ruiz, M. R. (Collaborator), Consorte, F. (Collaborator), ESCODA RUANES, E. (Collaborator), FOFFANI, L. (Collaborator), GIMENO JUBERO, M. A. (Collaborator), GULLO, A. (Collaborator), García-Moreno García de la Galana, B. (Collaborator), MERENDA, I. (Collaborator), MESSORI, L. (Collaborator), MONGILLO, V. (Collaborator), TORDINI CAGLI, S. (Collaborator), TORRE, V. (Collaborator), VALENTINI, V. (Collaborator), Baucells Llados, J. (Investigator), Cardona Barber, A. (Investigator), Cuenca Garcia, M. J. (Investigator), Garcia Aran, M. (Investigator), Guardiola Lago, M. J. (Investigator), LLORIA GARCIA, M. D. L. P. (Investigator), Mercadal Vidal, F. (Investigator), Padros Reig, C. (Investigator), Rebollo Vargas, R. (Investigator), Rodriguez Puerta, M. J. (Investigator), Vila Cuñat, A. (Collaborator), Santana Vega, M. (Collaborator), Navarro Cardoso, F. (Collaborator), VALEIJE ÁLVAREZ, I. (Collaborator), Vázquez‐Portomeñe Seijas, F. (Collaborator) & Bin , L. (Collaborator)
1/09/21 → 31/08/24
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
RIGHTSAPP: Mobile Technologies applied to protect victims of crime within the EU Area of Justice: RightsApp for e-Justice (RightsApp)
Zapater Duque, E. (Investigator), Gonzalez Conejero, J. (Principal Investigator), Guardiola Lago, M. J. (Investigator), Teodoro Martinez, E. (Investigator), Roig Batalla, A. (Investigator), Rodriguez Puerta, M. J. (Investigator) & Varela Figueroa, R. (Investigator)
1/03/18 → 31/08/20
Project: International research project
Reparación, justicia restaurativa y mediación en la delincuencia socioeconómica
Garcia Aran, M. (Principal Investigator), Guardiola Lago, M. J. (Collaborator), Baucells Llados, J. (Investigator), Cuenca Garcia, M. J. (Investigator), Cugat Mauri, M. A. (Investigator), Rebollo Vargas, R. (Investigator) & Rodriguez Puerta, M. J. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)
1/01/18 → 31/12/20
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Partidos políticos:responsabilidad penal y política,individual y colectiva
Garcia Aran, M. (Principal Investigator), Botella Corral, J. (Principal Investigator 2), Guardiola Lago, M. J. (Collaborator), Baucells Llados, J. (Investigator), Cuenca Garcia, M. J. (Investigator), Cugat Mauri, M. A. (Investigator), Marcet Morera, J. (Investigator), Morón Lerma, E. (Investigator), Rebollo Vargas, R. (Investigator) & Rodriguez Puerta, M. J. (Investigator)
1/01/15 → 30/06/18
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Garcia Aran, M. (Principal Investigator), Baucells Llados, J. (Investigator), Cuenca Garcia, M. J. (Investigator), Cugat Mauri, M. A. (Investigator), Guardiola Lago, M. J. (Investigator), Morón Lerma, E. (Investigator), Rebollo Vargas, R. (Investigator) & Rodriguez Puerta, M. J. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
1/01/11 → 31/12/13
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
La justicia restaurativa en la cárcel: ¿es posible en la delincuencia económica?
Barber, A. C., Baucells Lladós, J. & Guardiola Lago, M. J., 2022, Centre d'Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada (Catalunya). 88 p. ( Centre d'Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada)Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report
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D5.6 - RightsApp - Report on the dissemination activities and their impact into the targeted groups
Gonzalez Conejero, J., Rodriguez Puerta, M. J., Zapater Duque, E., Teodoro Martinez, E., Guardiola Lago, M. J. & Casanovas Romeu, P., 23 Sept 2020, Rightsapp Project EU. 19 p.Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report
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D5.7 - RightsApp - Public events
Gonzalez Conejero, J., Rodriguez Puerta, M. J., Zapater Duque, E., Teodoro Martinez, E., Guardiola Lago, M. J., Casanovas Romeu, P. & Macías López, M., 8 Sept 2020, Rightsapp Project EU. 22 p.Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report
Open Access1 Downloads (Pure) -
RightsApp – D2.1 Report on key sources for the project
Gonzalez Conejero, J., Rodriguez Puerta, M. J., Guardiola Lago, M. J., Zapater Duque, E. & Teodoro Martinez, E., 5 Jun 2018, Rightsapp Project EU. 16 p.Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report
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RightsApp - D2.3 Questionnaire and parameters
Gonzalez Conejero, J., Teodoro Martinez, E., Rodriguez Puerta, M. J., Guardiola Lago, M. J., Zapater Duque, E. & Casanovas Romeu, P., 30 Nov 2018, 31 p.Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report
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