6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Maria Eugenia Suarez Ojeda with the persons below:
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Silvia Blanch Gelabert
Person: Associate lecturer (non-goverment employee)
Ramon Farreny Gaya
- Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA-UAB) - Related research staff
Person: Visiting scholar
M. Neus Gonzalez Monfort
- Department of Teaching of Language, Literature and Social Science
- Grup de Recerca en Didàctica de les Ciències Socials - GREDICS
Person: Associate lecturer (non-goverment employee), Assignment to research
Francisco Javier Guerrero Camacho
Person: Substitute lecturer
Sonia Oliver del Olmo
- Department of English and German Studies
- Grup de Recerca en Lingüística Anglesa: Ús i Adquisició en Contextos Multilingües (GReLA)
Person: Associate lecturer (non-goverment employee), Assignment to research