Projects per year
Personal profile
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Education/Academic qualification
Masters, Ms. Investigació Entogràfica, Teoria Antropològica i Relacions Interculturals, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Award Date: 15 Jun 2012
Degree, Llic. Antropologia Social i Cultural, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Award Date: 25 Jul 2011
Postgraduate, Postgraduate. Gestió de Projectes Culturals, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
Award Date: 16 Mar 2006
Postgraduate, Postgraduate. Organització i Gestió d'Empreses Culturals, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
Award Date: 15 Apr 2005
Degree, Llic. Història, Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Award Date: 29 Sept 2000
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
SexAFIN-APS: educació afectivosexual i reproductiva a primària i secundària
Alvarez Mora, M. B. (Principal Investigator)
20/12/24 → 19/12/25
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Sexualidad y Reproducción en el sistema educativo y la atención a la salud
Alvarez Mora, M. B. (Principal Investigator), Paula Martone (Collaborator), Andreica , Z. M. (Collaborator), Agud Morell, I. (Investigator), De Zordo, S. (Investigator), Galbany Estragués, P. (Investigator), Marre Cifola, D. (Investigator), Martinez Cuadros, R. (Investigator), Montenegro Martinez, M. (Investigator), Pujol-Tarres, J. (Investigator), Remorini , C. (Investigator) & San Roman Sobrino, M. B. (Investigator)
17/09/24 → 16/09/25
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Viure l'embaràs a Barcelona: dones i persones gestants davant l'emergència climàtica
Molas Closas, A. (Principal Investigator), Marre Cifola, D. (Investigator), Alvarez Mora, M. B. (Investigator), Remorini , C. (Investigator), Llurba Olive, E. (Investigator), Gómez-Roig, M. D. (Investigator) & Fàbregas, M. (Investigator)
30/01/24 → 30/01/26
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
PID2020-112692RB-C21: Repro-flujos en Europa, África del Norte y América Latina: la movilidad de personas y gametos en el contexto fragmentado de la regulación transnacional en adopción y reproducción
Marre Cifola, D. (Principal Investigator), Pujol-Tarres, J. (Principal Investigator 2), ANTONIO SALCIDO, F. (Collaborator), ARIZA, L. (Collaborator), Salvo Agoglia, I. A. (Collaborator), Alvarez Mora, M. B. (Collaborator), CASANOVA MOLINA, G. E. (Collaborator), Clemente Martinez, C. K. (Collaborator), Colavolpe Severi, G. (Collaborator), DE LORENZI, M. A. (Collaborator), DESY, A. (Collaborator), GAGGIOTTI, M. (Collaborator), GAGGIOTTI-MARRE, S. (Collaborator), GESTEIRA, S. (Collaborator), Gaggiotti, H. (Collaborator), HADID, L. (Collaborator), Malgosa Gasol, E. (Collaborator), Mantilla Salazar, V. E. (Collaborator), Mcintyre , L. (Collaborator), Platero Mendez, R. L. (Collaborator), Romeu Labayen, M. (Collaborator), ROULAND, B. (Collaborator), SALOME LIMA, N. (Collaborator), SUBIAS MIQUEL, M. (Collaborator), San Roman Sobrino, M. B. (Collaborator), Sanmiquel Molinero, L. (Collaborator), TORRA MERIN, M. (Collaborator), Tort Nasarre, G. (Collaborator), VIADER, B. (Collaborator), Villalta, C. (Collaborator), WOJCIECH SMIETANA, M. (Collaborator), ZANINI, G. (Collaborator), Galbany Estragués, P. (Investigator), Gallego Molinero, A. (Investigator), MEDINA RODRIGUEZ, M. D. V. (Investigator), Montenegro Martinez, M. (Investigator), Rodríguez Jaume, M. J. (Investigator), SAZ ROY, M. A. (Investigator) & Puig Hernandez, M. A. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
1/09/21 → 31/08/25
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
SexAFIN-APS: educació afectivosexual i reproductiva a les escoles de primària. Fase 3
Alvarez Mora, M. B. (Principal Investigator) & Andreica , Z. M. (Collaborator)
15/12/23 → 14/12/24
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Between surveillance and self-surveillance : What institutionalised girls in Ciudad Juárez (reveal that they) know about sexuality
Alvarez, B., Vera, E., Contreras, E. & Marre, D., 17 May 2024, In: Children and Society. 19 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review
Open Access1 Citation (Scopus) -
Pregnancy and babies versus penises and intercourse: Gender differences in ‘how babies are made’ according to children at two Spanish primary schools
Malgosa, E., Marre, D. & Alvarez, B., 22 Oct 2024, In: Sexualities. 19 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review
‘We haven’t even been able to talk!’: gender norms and masculinity exams in representations of sexuality in Spanish primary schools
Malgosa, E., Alvarez, B. & Marre, D., 19 May 2024, In: Gender and Education. 36, 5, p. 489-509 21 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review
3 Citations (Scopus) -
Conflictos éticos en los cuidados de Enfermería durante la pandemia por COVID-19
Tort-Nasarre, G., Galbany-Estragués, P., Romeu-Labayen, M., Subías-Miquel, M., Àlvarez, B. & Herrera, M. J., Nov 2023, In: Metas de Enfermeria. 26, 9, p. 18-24 7 p.Translated title of the contribution :Ethical conflicts in Nursing care during the COVID-19 pandemic Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review
Educació sexual integral per a la prevenció de les violències a Mèxic - Projecte SexAFIN
Alvarez, B., 2023, In: UAB Divulga. p. 0001-2 2 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Dissemination
Open Access
La construccion social de la maternidad en España
Alvarez Mora, M. B. (Author), Marre , D. (Director), 12 Sept 2017Student thesis: Others
Las (ir)racionalidades de la maternidad en España: Influencias del mercado laboral y las relaciones de género en las decisiones reproductivas
Alvarez Mora, M. B. (Author), Marre Cifola, D. (Director), 29 Sept 2017Student thesis: Doctoral thesis
Decideixo tenir una filla? La construcció cultural de la maternitat a Espanya i la seva vinculació amb les subjectivitats
Alvarez Mora, M. B. (Author), Marre Cifola, D. (Director), 17 Sept 2012Student thesis: Dissertation (TFM)