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EUROSHIP: Closing gaps in social citizenship. New tools to foster social resilience in Europe (EUROSHIP)
Leon Ramon Borja, M. (Principal Investigator), Alvariño Vázquez, M. (Collaborator), Soler Buades, L. (Collaborator), Blanco Fillola, I. I. (Investigator), Fernandez Ple, C. P. (Investigator), Maestripieri, L. (Investigator), Ibañez Garzaran, Z. L. (Investigator), Delclos Gomez Moran, C. E. (Investigator), García Puig, J. (Collaborator), Lopez Alvarez, M. (Collaborator), Ferraioli Karamanian, F. G. (Collaborator) & Offredi Rodriguez, A. M. (Collaborator)
1/02/20 → 31/07/23
Project: International research project
Inversión en la temprana infancia: política, políticas y resultados
Leon Ramon Borja, M. (Principal Investigator), Daly, M. (Collaborator), Gabaldón Estevan, D. (Collaborator), Ibañez Garzaran, Z. L. (Collaborator), Maestripieri, L. (Collaborator), Martínez Virto, L. (Collaborator), Morabito, C. (Collaborator), Navarro Varas, L. (Collaborator), Pavolini, E. (Collaborator), Ranci, C. (Collaborator), Goma Carmona, R. J. (Investigator), Salido Cortés, O. (Investigator), Sarasa Urdiola, S. (Investigator) & Palomera Zaidel, D. (Collaborator)
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)
1/01/18 → 30/06/22
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
VINe-MSCA: Social Vulnerability and its intersections: The role of gender in a comparative perspective - VINe
Leon Ramon Borja, M. (Principal Investigator) & Maestripieri, L. (Beneficiary)
1/06/17 → 31/05/19
Project: International research project
Multi Agency Training Exit Strategies for radicalized youth - MATES
Ibañez Garzaran, Z. L. (Principal Investigator), Leon Ramon Borja, M. (Investigator) & Subirats Humet, J. (Investigator)
1/11/16 → 31/07/18
Project: International research project
PROMoting youth Involvement and Social Engagement: Opportunities and challenges for "conflicted" young people across Europe - PROMISE
Ibañez Garzaran, Z. L. (Principal Investigator), Canal Oliveras, R. (Investigator) & Leon Ramon Borja, M. (Investigator)
1/05/16 → 30/04/19
Project: International research project
Mobile Identities: Migration and Integration in Transational Communities
Leon Ramon Borja, M. (Principal Investigator)
1/01/14 → 31/08/15
Project: International research project
Sistemas de organización social del cuidado: España en perspectiva comparada
Leon Ramon Borja, M. (Principal Investigator), Adelantado Gimeno, J. (Investigator), Ezquerra Samper, S. (Investigator), Quintana Portoles, I. (Investigator), Ranci, C. (Investigator) & SHUTES, I. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
1/01/12 → 31/07/15
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants