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PROU; Un sistema seguro de etiquetado electrónico para la prevención de la violencia de género
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator)
1/12/24 → 30/11/27
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator), Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2), Alvarez Molina, X. (Collaborator), BELLES FERRERES, A. (Collaborator), CHANG , N. (Collaborator), Foreman Campins, G. (Collaborator), Lohan, E. S. (Collaborator), Shahid , H. (Collaborator), Terris Gallego, R. (Collaborator), Xhafa , A. (Collaborator), Egea Roca, D. (Investigator) & Fabra Cervellera, F. J. (Investigator)
1/09/24 → 31/12/27
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
GERMINAL: Connectivity: Enabling next generation NAV/COM Hybrid Terminal
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator), Fabra Cervellera, F. J. (Investigator), Seco Granados, G. (Investigator) & Xhafa , A. (Investigator)
31/05/24 → 30/05/26
Project: International research project
MiFuture: ultra-massive MIMO for future cell-free heterogeneous networks
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Investigator)
European Commission (EC), MSCA Doctoral Network
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Project: International research project
(GGIOT-PoC): Prueba de Concepto de Posicionamiento para IoT mediante 5G/6G, GNSS y LEO-PNT
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator), Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2), Daniel Egea Roca (Investigator), Francisco José Fabra Cervellera (Investigator), Pallarés Rodríguez, L. (Investigator), Raga Camilleri, C. (Investigator) & Xhafa , A. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
1/01/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Prueba de Concepto de Posicionamiento Preciso y Seguro en Entornos Vehiculares basado en Sistemas GNSS y 5G
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator), Fabra Cervellera, F. J. (Investigator), Locubiche Serra, S. (Investigator), Egea Roca, D. (Investigator), Renaudin , O. (Investigator) & Seco Granados, G. (Collaborator)
1/12/21 → 30/11/23
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator), Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2), Locubiche Serra, S. (Collaborator), Lohan, E. S. (Collaborator), MORALES FERRE, R. (Collaborator), Mañosas Caballú, M. (Collaborator), Shahid , H. (Collaborator), Xhafa , A. (Collaborator), Egea Roca, D. (Investigator), Fabra Cervellera, F. J. (Investigator), Renaudin , O. (Investigator), Terris Gallego, R. (Collaborator), Foreman Campins, G. (Collaborator), Alvarez Molina, X. (Collaborator) & Pallarés Rodríguez, L. (Collaborator)
1/01/21 → 30/06/24
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
OSNMA+: Enhanced GNSS Receiver User Terminal
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator) & Seco Granados, G. (Investigator)
1/12/20 → 30/06/24
Project: International research project
(GNSSW-HS/UAB): “Earth-Moon Navigation / System Study and Development Of A Highly-Sensitive Spaceborne Receiver Prototype - Reissue” (GNSSW-HS/UAB)
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator)
6/11/20 → 24/11/20
Project: International research project
ESA_RFSESM: “GNSS Reference Station Environment Monitoring Unit” (ESA_RFSESM)
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2) & Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator)
1/09/20 → 28/02/22
Project: International research project
TETRAMAX: TEchnology TRAnsfer via Multinational Application eXperiments (TETRAMAX)
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator) & Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2)
16/08/20 → 14/02/21
Project: International research project
HANSEL: Navigation and GNSS in Smart Cities: testbed concept definition (HANSEL) (ESA-TRP-TECESN-SoW-010320)
Perez Conesa, A. (Investigator), Lucas Sabola, V. (Investigator), Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
15/03/19 → 7/10/21
Project: International research project
OLTBOC: Advanced open-loop techniques for high-sensitivity GNSS receivers applied to BOC signals (OLTBOC/UAB) (40000125807/18/NL/CRS)
Lucas Sabola, V. (Investigator), Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator) & Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
11/03/19 → 31/07/22
Project: International research project
G2GTURMM: G2G Open Service Bread-Board Emulating Mass-Market platforms (Activity Domain 1) (G2GTURMM) (40000119865/16/NL/DB)
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator), Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2) & Peral Rosado, J. A. D. (Investigator)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
5/03/19 → 28/02/23
Project: International research project
FUture Navigation and TIMing Evolved Signals - 2 (FUNTIMES-2)
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2) & Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator)
1/03/19 → 28/02/21
Project: International research project
AVL_5GyGNSS: Co-funded Post-Doc study on "Accurate vehicle localization using 5G and GNSS" (AVL_5GyGNSS)
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2), Peral Rosado, J. A. D. (Investigator), Renaudin , O. (Investigator) & Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
1/09/18 → 31/08/21
Project: International research project
Posicionamiento preciso y seguro en entornos vehiculares basado en sistemas gnss y 5g
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator), Gáñez Fernández, J. (Collaborator), Lohan, E. S. (Collaborator), Xhafa, A. (Collaborator), Xhafa , A. (Collaborator), Peral Rosado, J. A. D. (Investigator) & Seco Granados, G. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
1/01/18 → 30/06/21
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Technical consulting assistance and expertise to the GSA in the areas of rail, maritime and on-site-technical support (Lot 1 Technical support platform)
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator) & Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2)
1/12/17 → 31/01/19
Project: International research project
GMVAD GINTO5G: GNSS integration into 5G wireless networks (GMVAD GINTO5G)
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator), Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2) & Peral Rosado, J. A. D. (Investigator)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
10/11/17 → 30/03/21
Project: International research project
Integration of Fundamental Elements - Specific Contract 1 (GSA-IFE-SC1)
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator) & Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2)
27/10/17 → 31/12/18
Project: International research project
GNSS Indoor/outdoor processing for indoor propagation channel characterization (GNSS indoor/outdoor)
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator) & Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
27/10/17 → 30/11/18
Project: International research project
Integration of Fundamental Elements - Specific Contract 2 (GSA-IFE-SC2)
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2)
27/10/17 → 31/12/18
Project: International research project
FANTASTIC: Field Aware Navigation and Timing Authentication Sensor for Timing Infrastructure and Centimeter level positioning (FANTASTIC)
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2)
1/03/17 → 31/08/19
Project: International research project
Technics for GNSS Navigation at High Orbits (GEO/GTO/HEO)
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator) & Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
21/12/16 → 30/09/18
Project: International research project
SW/HW Tools for Cloud, Hybrid and 5G Positioning (SW/HW tools)
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator) & Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
1/12/16 → 10/04/19
Project: International research project
Advanced GNSS Reference Station Breadboard (GNSS-RSB)
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
6/07/16 → 31/12/17
Project: International research project
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator) & Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
31/03/16 → 30/03/17
Project: International research project
Techniques for Subcarrier Resolucion in High-order BOC signals and Performance Analysis in Realistic Environments (SCARBOC)
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
1/09/15 → 31/03/17
Project: International research project
E-GNSS Blind signal processing validation and performance methodology development
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
1/09/15 → 7/11/18
Project: International research project
Posicionamiento en Entornos Urbanos y Adversos mediante Sistemas GNSS and 5G Systems
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator), Morell Perez, A. (Principal Investigator 2), Bara Iniesta, M. A. (Collaborator), Lohan, S. (Collaborator), Peral Rosado, J. A. D. (Collaborator), Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Investigator) & Lopez Vicario, J. (Investigator)
1/01/15 → 31/03/18
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Techniques for High Sensitivity GNSS Receivers (HISENS)
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
17/12/14 → 31/12/18
Project: International research project
Development and Test of Assistance Technologies for Navigation Receivers (DATATNR)
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
15/05/14 → 8/08/16
Project: International research project
Satellite Terrestrial Hybrid Localization Systems
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
1/04/14 → 31/05/17
Project: International research project
Hybrid Navigation and Mass market Receivers Platform
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
5/10/13 → 31/10/14
Project: International research project
Adaptive Tracking Techniques for Navigation Signals
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator) & Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
25/09/13 → 7/05/15
Project: International research project
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
15/10/12 → 30/11/13
Project: International research project
Multi-technology positioning professionals- MULTI-POS
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator), Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2), Kolomijeca ., A. (Beneficiary) & Shahmansoori , A. (Beneficiary)
1/10/12 → 30/09/16
Project: International research project
ROCAT. Techniques for robust carrier phase tracking (under high dynamic/strong fading/scintillation conditions)
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator) & Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2)
2/07/12 → 31/03/18
Project: International research project
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2)
European Space Agency, Noordwijk (ESA)
19/06/12 → 31/12/18
Project: International research project
Señales para Sistemas Combinados de Comunicación y Posicionamiento: Limites Teoricos, Diseño e implementación
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator), Ali , S. (Scholar), Barceló Lladó, J. E. (Scholar), Bel Pereira, A. (Scholar), Mañosas Caballú, M. (Scholar), Montalban Gutierrez, R. (Scholar), Peral Rosado, J. A. D. (Scholar), Bara Iniesta, M. A. (Investigator), Escudero Garzas, J. J. (Investigator), Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Investigator), Lopez Vicario, J. (Investigator), Morell Perez, A. (Investigator) & Terris Gallego, R. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
1/01/12 → 31/12/14
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Multicarrier Signals For Combined Positioning and Communications Systems: Contribution to the Scheduling and Synchronization in LTE
Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator) & Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator 2)
University of California, Irvine (UCI)
1/10/11 → 30/09/12
Project: International research project
Multicarrier signals for combined positioning and communications systems: design and implementation aspects
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2)
University of California, Irvine (UCI)
1/10/10 → 30/09/11
Project: International research project
PEGASE PROJECT: Provision of Expertise to GSA and Support to Enabling Technologies
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2)
10/06/09 → 9/06/11
Project: International research project
Diseño de las Capas Físicas y de ENlace en Sistemas de Comunicaciones Cooperativs con informición de Posición. LAWCOM
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator), Molí Sánchez, L. (Scholar), Angles Vazquez, A. (Investigator), Bel Pereira, A. (Investigator), Delgado Garcia, V. J. (Investigator), Duran Gisbert, David (Investigator), Giovanni Sánchez Chacón (Investigator), Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Investigator), Lopez Vicario, J. (Investigator), Morell Perez, A. (Investigator) & Tejerina Asenjo, A. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)
1/01/09 → 31/12/11
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Signals processing techniques and demostrantror for indoor GNSS positioning (DINGPOS)
Seco Granados, G. (Principal Investigator) & Lopez Salcedo, J. A. (Principal Investigator 2)
1/09/07 → 30/06/15
Project: International research project