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Inhibitors of DNA damage repair for cancer therapy (FANCONINIB)
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
1/06/19 → 29/04/20
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Drug screening and repurposing in Fanconi anemia therapeutics (REPAIR-FANC)
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator), Minguillon Pedreño, J. (Investigator) & Montanuy Escribano, H. (Investigator)
The Fanconi Anemia Research Foundation Inc.
1/04/16 → 31/03/18
Project: International research project
Reparación del DNA y anemia de Fanconi: investigación genética y aplicaciones terapéuticas
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator), Umbert Maestre, M. G. (Collaborator), Bogliolo , M. (Investigator), Castells Roca, L. (Investigator), Pujol Calvet, M. R. (Investigator) & Ramirez de Haro, M. J. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)
1/01/16 → 31/12/18
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Regenerative medicine for Fanconi anemia: generation of disease-free patient-specific iPS cells, and iPSC-derived hematopoietic progenitors and platelets.
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator), Bogliolo , M. (Investigator), Estella Aguado, J. (Investigator), Pujol Calvet, M. R. (Investigator) & Ramirez de Haro, M. J. (Investigator)
1/01/13 → 30/06/16
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Phase I / II Gene Therapy Trial of Fanconi anemia patients with a new orphan Drug consisting of a lentiviral vector carrying the FANCA gene: A Coordinated International Action - EUROFANCOLEN
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator)
1/01/13 → 31/12/18
Project: International research project
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator), Mina Ibarra, L. B. (Scholar), Trujillo Quintero, J. P. (Scholar), Bogliolo , M. (Investigator), Pujol Calvet, R. (Investigator), Ramírez De Haro, M. J. (Investigator) & Umbert Maestre, M. G. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)
1/01/13 → 31/12/15
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Genética Funcional y Biología Molecular del Síndrome de Predisposición al Cáncer Anemia de Fanconi
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator), Villa Fontes, J. (Scholar), Bogliolo , M. (Investigator), Cabré Fabré, O. (Investigator), Castella Castella, M. (Investigator), Castillo Bosch, P. (Investigator), Minguillon Pedreño, J. (Investigator), Pujol Calvet, M. R. (Investigator), Ramirez de Haro, M. J. (Investigator) & Umbert Maestre, M. G. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
1/01/10 → 31/12/12
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
CB06/07/0023: Inestabilidad genética y predisposición al cáncer
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator), Hernandez Viedma, G. (Investigator), Lopez de Heredia Alonso, M. (Investigator), Miguillón Pedreño, J. (Investigator), Pujol Calvet, M. R. (Investigator), Ramirez de Haro, M. J. (Investigator), Steigerwarld, D. (Investigator) & Umbert Mestres, G. (Investigator)
6/02/09 → 31/12/21
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Estudis genètics i funcionals de la síndrome de reparació d'Anèmia de Fanconi
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator), Castella Castella, M. (Scholar), Cabré Fabré, O. (Investigator), Lyakhovich , A. (Investigator), Minguillon Pedreño, J. (Investigator), Ramirez de Haro, M. J. (Investigator) & Umbert Maestre, M. G. (Investigator)
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
18/10/06 → 30/03/10
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Genètica i biologia molecular de la síndrome de predisposició al càncer d'anèmia de Fanconi
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator), Castella Castella, M. (Scholar), Lyakhovich , A. (Scholar), Cabré Fabré, O. (Investigator), Ramirez de Haro, M. J. (Investigator) & Umbert Maestre, M. G. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)
1/10/06 → 30/09/09
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Micronúcleos en células uroteliales como biomarcadores de progresión en cáncer de vejiga urinaria
Marcos Dauder, R. (Principal Investigator), Portela Mestres, A. (Scholar), Carrato Mena, A. (Investigator), Creus Capdevila, A. (Investigator), Malats Riera, Núria (Investigator), Surralles Calonge, J. (Investigator), Velazquez Henar, M. A. (Investigator) & Xamena Lopez, N. (Investigator)
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
31/12/05 → 30/12/06
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Aplicaciones de la biología molecular y celular al diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermos con Anemia de Fanconi
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator), Castella Castella, M. (Scholar), Castellanos Martin, A. (Scholar), Cappelli ., E. (Investigator), Creus Capdevila, A. (Investigator), Madero, Luis (Investigator), Marcos Dauder, R. (Investigator) & Ramirez de Haro, M. J. (Investigator)
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
31/12/05 → 30/12/06
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
La ruta supressora del càncer "anèmia de Fanconi/BRCA"; biologia molecular, aplicacions terapèutiques i identificació de nous gens implicats
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator), Castella Castella, M. (Scholar), Lyakhovich , A. (Scholar), Cappelli ., E. (Investigator), Marcos Dauder, R. (Investigator) & Ramirez de Haro, M. J. (Investigator)
26/07/05 → 25/07/08
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
DNA damage responses, Genomic instability and Radiation-Induced Cancer: The problem of risk at low and protracted doses (RISC-RAD)
Genescà, A. (Principal Investigator), Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator 2), Tusell Padros, L. (Scholar) & Martin Flix, M. (Investigator)
1/01/04 → 31/12/07
Project: International research project
DNA damage responses, Genomic instability and Radiation-Induced Cancer: The problem of risk at low and protracted doses (RISC-RAD)
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator), Genescà, A. (Principal Investigator 2) & Martin Flix, M. (Investigator)
1/01/04 → 31/12/07
Project: International research project
Funcions duals del gen supressor de tumors FANCD2
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator), Portela Mestres, A. (Researcher on contract), Ramirez de Haro, M. J. (Researcher on contract), Rizki , M. (Researcher on contract) & Velazquez Henar, M. A. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT)
1/12/03 → 30/11/06
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Aplicacions de la biologia molecular i cel·lular al diagnòstic i tractament dels malalts que pateixen anèmia de Fanconi
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator)
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
1/01/03 → 31/07/06
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
TELOSENS: Telomeres and radiosensitivity of individuals
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator), BLANCO GARCIA, Francisco (Investigator), CELLA, Rino (Investigator), DUCLOS, Jean-Louis (Investigator), GRANGER, Michèle (Investigator), ILIAKIS, George (Investigator), JENSEN G., Thomas (Mr) (Investigator), Martin Flix, M. (Investigator), RIVA, Silvano (Investigator), RUBIO GARCIA, Jose Carlos (Investigator), SYROTA, André (Investigator) & WALLER, Teresa (Investigator)
1/01/03 → 31/12/05
Project: International research project
Biologia molecular i factors pronòstic en la síndrome de predisposició al càncer anèmia de Fanconi
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator), Castillo Buitrago, V. (Scholar), Badal Soler, M. (Researcher on contract), Cabré Fabré, O. (Investigator), Creus Capdevila, A. (Investigator) & Ortega Aramburu, J. J. (Investigator)
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
6/11/02 → 6/11/05
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Mechanisms of formation of ionizing radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations: Impact of repair pathways and nuclear architecture
Surralles Calonge, J. (Principal Investigator) & Bogliolo , M. (Scholar)
1/02/02 → 31/01/04
Project: International research project
Estudis sobre els mecanismes de genotoxicitat en eucariotes utilitzant tècniques citogenètiques i moleculars
Marcos Dauder, R. (Principal Investigator), Cabré Fabré, O. (Investigator), Creus Capdevila, A. (Investigator), Gutierrez Enriquez, S. I. (Investigator), Suarez Figueras, S. (Investigator), Surralles Calonge, J. (Investigator), Torres Turon, C. (Investigator), Velazquez Henar, M. A. (Investigator) & Xamena Lopez, N. (Investigator)
Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior e Investigación Científica (DGESIC)
1/08/99 → 1/08/02
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Anemia de Fanconi: cap a un nou diagnòstic citogenètic molecular i relació entre longitud telomèrica, fragilitat cromosòmica i pancitopenia progressiva.
Creus Capdevila, A. (Principal Investigator), Blasco Marhuenda, M. A. (Assessor), Ortega Aramburu, J. J. (Assessor), Puerto Navarro, S. (Scholar), Badell Serra, I. (Investigator), Suarez Figueras, S. (Investigator) & Surralles Calonge, J. (Investigator)
Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias de la Seguridad Social (FIS)
2/03/99 → 31/12/00
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Avaluació i persistència de les mutacions corrosives industrials en cèl.lules lluminàries per a la radiació ionitzant, mitjançant l'ús de distintes tècniques d'hibridació in situ fluorescent HSH
Marcos Dauder, R. (Principal Investigator), Gutierrez Enriquez, S. I. (Researcher on contract), Puerto Navarro, S. (Researcher on contract), Ramirez de Haro, M. J. (Researcher on contract), Creus Capdevila, A. (Investigator) & Surralles Calonge, J. (Investigator)
Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (CSN)
13/11/98 → 31/05/99
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Pesticide effects on humans
Marcos Dauder, R. (Principal Investigator), Carbonell Teruel, E. (Investigator), Creus Capdevila, A. (Investigator), DEPART. OF HUMAN GENETICS AND TERATOLOGY (Investigator), DEPART. OF RADIATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY (Investigator), Dr. Stylianos Piperakis (Investigator) & Surralles Calonge, J. (Investigator)
4/01/97 → 31/03/00
Project: International research project
Biomonitoring of human populations exposed to petroleum fuels with special consideration on the role of benzene as a genotoxic component
Marcos Dauder, R. (Principal Investigator), Pitarque Marti, M. (Scholar), Surralles Calonge, J. (Scholar), Carbonell Teruel, E. (Investigator), Creus Capdevila, A. (Investigator) & Xamena Lopez, N. (Investigator)
2/02/93 → 2/02/96
Project: International research project
Estudis sobre assajos de genotoxicitat en \i Drosophila\i0 i en limfòcits
Marcos Dauder, R. (Principal Investigator), Surralles Calonge, J. (Scholar), Cabré Fabré, O. (Investigator), Carbonell Teruel, E. (Investigator), Creus Capdevila, A. (Investigator), Torres Turon, C. (Investigator) & Xamena Lopez, N. (Investigator)
Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT)
10/06/92 → 10/06/95
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Biomonitoring of human populations exposed to pesticides
Marcos Dauder, R. (Principal Investigator), Surralles Calonge, J. (Scholar), Carbonell Teruel, E. (Investigator), Creus Capdevila, A. (Investigator), Prof. Nicola Loprieno (Investigator) & Xamena Lopez, N. (Investigator)
1/12/91 → 1/12/94
Project: International research project
Estudi dels efectes genotòxics d'alguns herbicides a diferents sistemes d'assaig
Marcos Dauder, R. (Principal Investigator), Cozzi, R. (Investigator), Surralles Calonge, J. (Investigator) & Xamena Lopez, N. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Educación y Cultura
1/01/90 → 31/12/90
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants