Projects per year
Personal profile
Research interests
As a researcher in the field of social psychology and science, technology, and society (STS), my scientific career has focused on the study of the psychosocial and cultural processes involved in the production, diffusion and consumption of technoscientific innovations, especially in relation to gender and youth. My contributions include:
- Developing a critical perspective on the co-construction of gender and technology that challenges the essentialist and determinist views that often dominate this area of study.
- The development of several research projects on the social and cultural impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in different areas such as gender, education, leisure, or migration.
- The use of qualitative and innovative methodologies such as autoethnography, life histories, social theatre, or discourse analysis to explore the experiences, attitudes and practices of social actors involved in the technoscientific phenomenon.
- Participation in national and international networks and research groups, such as the Barcelona Science and Technology Studies Group (STS-b) (formerly the Research Group for Social Studies of Science and Technology) or the Inter-University Research Group on Youth and New Technologies - JovenTIC.
- The dissemination of results and reflections through scientific publications, presentations in conferences, seminars, and meetings, as well as collaboration with the media and social entities.
My medium-term interests are:
- To deepen the analysis of the ethical, political, and epistemological dimensions of technoscience, especially in relation to the challenges and opportunities posed by new forms of knowledge production and management, such as open science, citizen science or participatory science.
- To broaden the field of study of the relationship between gender and technology, incorporating other categories of analysis such as class, ethnicity, age, or sexuality, and addressing emerging issues such as artificial intelligence, robotics, or biotechnology.
- Developing research-action projects that contribute to social transformation and to improving the quality of life of people and groups affected by the problems associated with technological and scientific innovations, such as so-called behavioural addictions, the digital divide, discrimination, or social exclusion.
- Encourage the use of new literary forms in the social sciences, especially the use of autoethnographies and life stories, to go deeper into the phenomena to be studied, overcoming the limitations of traditional quantitative and qualitative methods.
Keywords: Social Studies of Science and Technology; Gender Studies; Social Psychology; Autoethnography
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Education/Academic qualification
Ph. D., Psicologia Social, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Award Date: 23 Nov 2001
Masters, Psicologia Social, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Award Date: 4 Mar 1998
Degree, Psicologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Award Date: 14 Sept 1993
External positions
Fellow Teacher, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
1 Sept 1995 → …
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Domenech Argemi, M. (Principal Investigator), Moya Kohler, J. (Collaborator), Dellunde, P. (Investigator), Feliu i Samuel-Lajeunesse, J. (Investigator), Iñiguez Rueda, L. (Investigator), Martinez Martinez, L. M. (Investigator), Ramirez Nethersole, R. (Collaborator), Barat Auleda, O. (Collaborator), Regí Blanch, J. R. B. (Collaborator), Coromina Rodríguez, Ò. (Investigator) & Moya Kohler, J. (Investigator)
1/09/23 → 31/08/26
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Impacte psicosocial i cultural de les innovacions tecnocientífiques. El paper dels espais públics d'accés a les TICS en els processos constitutius de la identidad social i de les xarxes socials
Iñiguez Rueda, L. (Principal Investigator), Georgieva Ninova, M. (Scholar), Vitores González, A. (Scholar), Cubells Serra, J. (Investigator), Feliu i Samuel-Lajeunesse, J. (Investigator), Garay Uriarte, A. I. (Investigator), Gil Juarez, A. (Investigator), Ibáñez Gracia, T. (Investigator), Martinez Martinez, L. M. (Investigator), Muñoz Justicia, J. M. (Investigator), Peñaranda Colera, M. C. (Investigator) & Rivero García, Isabel, I. Y. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)
1/10/06 → 30/09/09
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Impacte psicosocial i cultural de les innovacions tecnocientífiques
Iñiguez Rueda, L. (Principal Investigator), Layunta Maurel, B. (Scholar), López Gómez, D. (Scholar), Rodríguez Giralt, I. (Scholar), Vitores González, A. (Scholar), Feliu i Samuel-Lajeunesse, J. (Researcher on contract), Garay Uriarte, A. I. (Researcher on contract), Martinez Martinez, L. M. (Researcher on contract), Molina, J. L. (Researcher on contract), Tirado Serrano, F. J. (Researcher on contract), Domenech Argemi, M. (Investigator), Ibáñez Gracia, T. (Investigator), Sánchez, L. G. (Investigator) & Callén Moreu, B. (Collaborator)
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT)
1/12/02 → 1/12/05
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Anàlisis psicosocial dels mecanismes autopotenciadors i de l'impacte social de l'activitat científica espanyola.
Ibáñez Gracia, T. (Principal Investigator), Pallí Monguilod, C. (Scholar), Duran, A. V. (Researcher on contract), Cabruja Ubach, T. (Investigator), Cubells Serra, J. (Investigator), Domenech Argemi, M. (Investigator), Feliu i Samuel-Lajeunesse, J. (Investigator), Garay Uriarte, A. I. (Investigator), Gil Juarez, A. (Investigator), Iñiguez Rueda, L. (Investigator), Lara Vila, M. T. (Investigator), Losego, P. (Investigator), Martinez Martinez, L. M. (Investigator), Molina, J. L. (Investigator), Muñoz Justicia, J. M. (Investigator), Pujal i Llombart, M. (Investigator), Pujol-Tarres, J. (Investigator), Tirado Serrano, F. J. (Investigator), Vazquez Sixto, F. (Investigator) & Callén Moreu, B. (Collaborator)
Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (DGICYT)
1/12/98 → 1/12/00
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Anàlisi dels factors psico-socials que incideixen en la difusió i projecció de l'activitat científica espanyola.
Ibáñez Gracia, T. (Principal Investigator), Martinez Martinez, L. M. (Scholar), Botella Mas, M. (Investigator), Domenech Argemi, M. (Investigator), Feliu i Samuel-Lajeunesse, J. (Investigator), Garay Uriarte, A. I. (Investigator), Iñiguez Rueda, L. (Investigator), Muñoz Justicia, J. M. (Investigator), Pujal i Llombart, M. (Investigator), Pujol-Tarres, J. (Investigator), Tirado Serrano, F. J. (Investigator), Vayreda Duran, I. (Investigator) & Vazquez Sixto, F. (Investigator)
Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (DGICYT)
1/08/95 → 1/08/98
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Escriure Psicologia a la Universitat
Feliu i Samuel-Lajeunesse, J., Verdaguer Maria, C., Penelo Eva, C. & Gil-Juárez Adriana, C., 2021Research output: Other contribution
Open Access -
Underlying dimensions in attitude towards technology in a sample of Spanish, German and Indian women
Vall-llovera, M., Merma-Linares, C., Feliu Samuel Lajeunesse, J. & Gil-Juárez, A., 15 Jul 2021, In: Anuario de Psicología / The UB Journal of Psychology. 51, 2, p. 60-67 8 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review
Open Access2 Citations (Scopus)1 Downloads (Pure) -
Ajuda i solidaritat. Atracció, intimitat i gènere
Feliu, J., 2019, Bases psicosocials en criminologia. Vivas Elias, J. (ed.). Barcelona, 51 p.Research output: Chapter in Book › Chapter › Teaching
And Yet Children Play: Echoing Voices of Computer Game Concerns in Barcelona
Gil-Juarez, A. & Feliu, J., 1 Jan 2018, Cultures of Computer Game Concerns. The Child Across Families, Law, Science and Industry. Sörensen, E. (ed.). 1 ed. Bielefeld (DE), p. 247-264 17 p. (MatteRealities/VerKörperungen: Perspectives from Empirical Science Studies; vol. 23).Research output: Chapter in Book › Chapter › Research › peer-review
Open Access2 Downloads (Pure) -
Mutable technology, immutable gender: Qualifying the “co-construction of gender and technology” approach
Gil-Juárez, A., Feliu, J. & Vitores, A., 1 Jan 2018, In: Women's Studies International Forum. 66, p. 56-62 7 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review
Open Access12 Citations (Scopus)1 Downloads (Pure)
Culturalisme. Psicologia Social de la diferència cultural
Feliu Samuel-Lajeunesse, J. (Author)Ibáñez Gracia, T. (Director), 23 Nov 2001Student thesis: Doctoral thesis