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Espinal, M. T. (Principal Investigator), Villalba Nicolas, F. X. (Principal Investigator 2), Borik , O. (Collaborator), CARRERA PEREZ, E. (Collaborator), Cyrino, S. (Collaborator), Etxeberria, U. (Collaborator), GIANOLLO, C. (Collaborator), Morosi ., P. (Collaborator), PAOLO GRECO, M. (Collaborator), Planas-Morales, S. (Collaborator), Puig Mayenco, E. (Collaborator), Seres Guillen, D. (Collaborator), TROTZKE, A. (Collaborator), Tsiakmakis , E. (Collaborator), Tubau Muntaña, S. (Investigator), Frifka, M. (Collaborator), Kocher, A. (Collaborator), Mari, A. (Collaborator), Ebert, C. (Collaborator), Steinbach, M. (Collaborator), Mendia Aldama, J. A. (Collaborator) & Dey ., S. (Collaborator)
1/09/21 → 31/08/24
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
La interpretación de las categorías funcionales
Espinal, M. T. (Principal Investigator), Villalba Nicolas, F. X. (Principal Investigator 2), Brunetti, L. (Collaborator), Cyrino, S. (Collaborator), Etxeberria Otaegui, U. (Collaborator), Olga Borik (Collaborator), Planas-Morales, S. (Investigator), Tubau Muntaña, S. (Investigator) & Tsiakmakis , E. (Collaborator)
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
1/01/18 → 30/09/21
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
La composicionalidad del significado. Perspectivas teóricas y empíricas
Espinal, M. T. (Principal Investigator), Borik , O. (Collaborator), Brunetti, L. (Collaborator), Cyrino, S. (Collaborator), Etxeberria Otaegi, U. (Collaborator), Li, F. (Collaborator), Planas-Morales, S. (Collaborator), Seres Guillen, G. (Collaborator), Silvagni , F. (Collaborator), Tubau Muntaña, S. (Collaborator) & Villalba Nicolas, F. X. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)
1/01/15 → 30/06/18
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
La composicionalidad del significado y las operaciones semánticas en la interfaz sintaxis-semántica y en la interfaz gramática-cognición
Espinal, M. T. (Principal Investigator), Bellavia , A. (Scholar), Bogatyreva , L. (Scholar), Ciutescu , E. (Scholar), Borik , O. (Investigator), Dobrovie Sorin, C. D. S. (Investigator), Etxeberria Otaegi, U. E. O. (Investigator), Fortuny Andreu, J. (Investigator), Mateu Fontanals, J. (Investigator), Mayl Toll, L. M. T. (Investigator), Tubau Muntaña, S. (Investigator), Villalba Nicolas, F. X. (Investigator) & Silvagni , F. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
1/01/12 → 30/06/15
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Microvariació: trets sintàctics i realització morfonològica
Picallo Soler, M. D. C. (Principal Investigator), Lazaridou Chitzigoga, D. (Scholar), Mata Vigara, M. (Scholar), Navarro Ibarra, I. L. A. (Scholar), Real Puigdollers, C. (Scholar), Villalba Nicolas, F. X. (Researcher on contract), Alvarez Soriano, P. (Investigator), Bonet, E. (Investigator), Brucart Marraco, Jose Maria (Investigator), Cabré Monné, T. (Investigator), Espinal, M. T. (Investigator), Fasanella Seligrat, A. (Investigator), Gavarró Algueró, A. (Investigator), Gutierrez Gonzalez, Y. M. (Investigator), Gómez Duran, G. (Investigator), Jeong , Y. (Investigator), Jiménez Martínez, J. (Investigator), Markova, A. S. (Investigator), Martínez Ferreiro, S. (Investigator), Mascaró, J. (Investigator), Ohannesian Saboundjian, M. (Investigator), Oltra Massuet, I. (Investigator), Palmada Félez, B. (Investigator), Rigau Oliver, G. (Investigator), Sola Pujols, J. (Investigator) & Torres Tamarit, F. J. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)
1/10/06 → 30/09/11
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Microvariació a l'estructura oracional
Brucart Marraco, J. M. (Principal Investigator), Castro Zapata, I. M. (Scholar), Gallardo Esteban, E. (Scholar), Gallego Bartolomé, Á. J. (Scholar), García Romero, S. (Scholar), Lorusso, P. (Scholar), Padrosa Trias, S. (Scholar), Rubio Alcalá, C. (Scholar), Wojciech Lewandowski (Scholar), Bartra Kaufmann, A. (Investigator), Borik , O. (Investigator), Castillo Herrerías, V. (Investigator), Hernanz Carbo, L. (Investigator), Macdonald , J. (Investigator), Martí Girbau, M. N. (Investigator), Mateu Fontanals, J. (Investigator), Picallo Soler, M. D. C. (Investigator), Sanchez Lancis, C. (Investigator), Sánchez González, E. (Investigator) & Villalba Nicolas, F. X. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)
1/10/06 → 30/09/11
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Gramàtica comparada del català i l'espanyol (I): determinació i quantificació
Rigau Oliver, G. (Principal Investigator), Gavarró Algueró, A. (Researcher on contract), Villalba Nicolas, F. X. (Researcher on contract), Bartra Kaufmann, A. (Investigator), Martí Girbau, M. N. (Investigator), Picallo Soler, M. D. C. (Investigator) & Sola Pujols, J. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT)
10/12/03 → 9/12/06
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
En los límites de la gramática:La interpretación y la combinación de los rasgos gramaticales.
Espinal, M. T. (Principal Investigator), Faixa Sol, C. (Researcher on contract), Mateu Fontanals, J. (Researcher on contract), Villalba Nicolas, F. X. (Researcher on contract), Bartra Kaufmann, A. (Investigator), Brucart Marraco, J. M. (Investigator), Hernanz Carbo, L. (Investigator), Picallo Soler, M. D. C. (Investigator), Rosselló Ximenes, J. M. (Investigator), Sanchez Lancis, C. (Investigator) & Sola Pujols, J. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT)
19/12/00 → 19/12/03
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants