12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Francesc Xavier Busquets Costa with the persons below:
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Ana Maria Bach Gómez
Person: Accredited TSR, Associate lecturer (non-goverment employee), Affiliation to research
Cristina Buenafuentes de la Mata
- Department of Spanish Studies
- Grup de Lexicografia, Diacronia i ELE
- Center for Theoretical Linguistics
Person: Affiliation to research, Lecturer
Gloria Claveria Nadal
Person: Professor, Affiliation to research
Dídac Cubeiro Rodríguez
Person: Adjunct lecturer (non-goverment employee)
Albert García-Piquer
- Department of Prehistory
- 2017SGR00243 TEDAS. Tecnologies Digitals per una Arqueologia Social 2017SG31357 PAHEPS. Public ArchaeologY: Human Evolution, Prehistory and Societies
Person: Affiliation to research, Regular Researcher
Cecilio Garriga Escribano
Person: Professor, Affiliation to research
Judith Gifreu Font
- Department of Public Law and Legal History Studies
- Centre d'Estudis i de Recerca Dones i Drets (CEDD)
Person: Affiliation to research, Lecturer
Joan Pubill Brugues
- Department of Modern and Contemporary History
- Grup de Recerca en Guerra, Radicalisme Politic i Conflicte Social (GRECS)
Person: Assistant doctor lecturer, Affiliation to research
Francesca Blanch Serrat
- Department of English and German Studies
- Cos i Textualitats: autories i subjectivitats en construcció
Person: Affiliation to research, Substitute lecturer
David Vidal Castell
Person: Affiliation to research, Lecturer