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Candiota Silveira, A. P. (Principal Investigator), BARTSCH , J.-W. (Collaborator), COOK , L. (Collaborator), Melón bajo, P. (Collaborator), Mulero Acevedo, M. (Collaborator), OLIER CAPARROSO, I. (Collaborator), Ortega Martorell, S. (Collaborator), SIMOES , R. V. P. (Collaborator), ZHAO , K. (Collaborator), Arus Caralto, C. (Investigator) & GABARROS CANALS, A. (Investigator)
1/09/24 → 31/12/27
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
GABRMN: Grupo de Investigación en Aplicaciones Biomédicas de la Resonancia Magnética Nuclear de la UAB, CIBER-BBN
Candiota Silveira, A. P. (Principal Investigator), Arus Caralto, C. (Principal Investigator), Acebes Martin, J. J. (Investigator), Aguilera Grijalbo, C. (Investigator), Arias Ramos, N. (Investigator), Baquero Munero, M. (Investigator), Cabañas Egaña, M. (Investigator), Capdevila Cirera, A. (Investigator), Ciezka , M. (Investigator), Cos Domingo, M. (Investigator), Fernández-Coello, A. (Investigator), Ferrer Font, L. (Investigator), García Chacón, A. (Investigator), Godino Maritínez, O. (Investigator), Julià Sapé, M. M. (Investigator), Lope Piedrafita, S. (Investigator), Majós Torró, C. (Investigator), Martín Sitjar de Togores, J. (Investigator), Moreno Torres, Á. (Investigator), Oriol Rocafiguera, A. (Investigator), Ortega Martorell, S. (Investigator) & Vellido, A. (Investigator)
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
1/01/07 → 31/12/30
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Candiota Silveira, A. P. (Principal Investigator), Cabañas Egaña, M. (Collaborator), Calero Perez, M. D. P. (Collaborator), Javed , Z. (Collaborator), Lisboa, P. (Collaborator), OLIER CAPARROSO, I. (Collaborator), Ortega Martorell, S. (Collaborator), Arus Caralto, C. (Investigator), GABARROS CANALS, A. (Investigator), Lope Piedrafita, S. (Investigator) & Pumarola i Batlle, M. (Investigator)
1/01/21 → 30/06/24
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
INSPiRE-MED: INtegrating Magnetic Resonance SPectroscopy and Multimodal Imaging for Research and Education in MEDicine (INSPiRE-MED)
Lope Piedrafita, S. (Investigator), Cabañas Egaña, M. (Investigator), Javed , Z. (Beneficiary), Arus Caralto, C. (Principal Investigator) & Candiota Silveira, A. P. (Investigator)
1/01/19 → 30/06/23
Project: International research project
Imagen molecular de glioma de alto grado para la mejora de la respuesta al tratamiento
Arus Caralto, C. (Principal Investigator), Cabañas Egaña, M. (Collaborator), HERNANDEZ VILLEGAS, Y. (Collaborator), Lisboa, P. (Collaborator), Olier, I. (Collaborator), Ortega Martorell, S. (Collaborator), Pinna, L. (Collaborator), Shang, W. (Collaborator), de la Fuente Hernández, C. (Collaborator), Aguilera Grijalvo, C. (Investigator), Añor Torres, S. (Investigator), Candiota Silveira, A. P. (Investigator), Fernández Cohelo, A. (Investigator), Fondevila Palau, M. D. (Investigator), Itarte Fresquet, E. (Investigator), Julià Sapé, M. M. (Investigator), Lope Piedrafita, S. (Investigator), Majós Torré, C. (Investigator), Mesia Barroso, C. (Investigator), Plana Coll, M. (Investigator), Pumarola i Batlle, M. (Investigator), Rabanal Prados, R. M. (Investigator) & Sanchez Fernández, J. J. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)
1/01/15 → 31/12/17
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Mejora de los protocolos para diagnóstico y seguimiento de respuesta a terapia en tumores cerebrales mediante estrategias de Imagen Molecular basadas en Resonancia Magnética (MARESCAN)
Arus Caralto, C. (Principal Investigator), Acebes Martin, J. J. (Investigator), Aguilera, C. (Investigator), Cabañas Egaña, M. (Investigator), Candiota Silveira, A. P. (Investigator), Ciezka , M. (Investigator), Cos Domingo, M. (Investigator), Delgado Goñi, T. (Investigator), Dàvila Huerta, M. (Investigator), Fernández-Coello, A. (Investigator), García Chacón, A. (Investigator), Julià Sapé, M. M. (Investigator), Lope Piedrafita, S. (Investigator), Majós Torró, C. (Investigator), Martín Sitjar de Togores, J. (Investigator), Milena Acosta Gonzalez (Investigator) & Ortega Martorell, S. (Investigator)
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
1/01/12 → 31/12/14
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Imagen molecular y de fenotipo de la progresión tumoral cerebral en modelos murinos. Extensión translacional a humanos (PHENOIMA).
Arus Caralto, C. (Principal Investigator), Lope Piedrafita, S. (Others), Acosta González, M. (Scholar), Martín Sitjar de Togores, J. (Scholar), Portas Ferreira Simoes, R. V. (Scholar), Pérez Ruiz, A. (Scholar), Acebes, J. J. (Collaborator), Aguilera, C. (Collaborator), Blanch, J. (Collaborator), Camins, A. (Collaborator), Majós, C. (Collaborator), Mato, D. J. (Collaborator), Sánchez, J. J. (Collaborator), Cabañas Egaña, M. (Investigator), Candiota Silveira, A. P. (Investigator), Delgado Goñi, T. (Investigator) & Julià Sapé, M. M. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)
1/01/09 → 31/12/11
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Agent-based Distributed Decision Support System for Brain Tumour Diagnosis and Prognosis (HEALTHAGENTS)
Arus Caralto, C. (Principal Investigator), Camisón Sánchez, M. (Investigator), Candiota Silveira, A. P. (Investigator) & Julià Sapé, M. M. (Investigator)
1/01/06 → 31/12/08
Project: International research project
Millora del diagnòstic i de la valoració pronòstica de tumors cerebrals humans in vivo. Models animals i cel·lulars per a la metabolòmica de la progressió tumoral. Fase 2
Arus Caralto, C. (Principal Investigator), Nebot Sánchez, J. (Others), Coronel Linárez, I. E. (Scholar), Portas Ferreira Simoes, R. V. (Scholar), Valverde Saubí, D. (Scholar), Aguilera Grijalvo, C. (Collaborator), Acebes Martin, J. J. (Investigator), Aparicio Caballero, A. (Investigator), Cabañas Egaña, M. (Investigator), Castañer Llanes, S. (Investigator), Cos Domingo, M. (Investigator), Godino Maritínez, O. (Investigator), Julià Sapé, M. M. (Investigator), Majós Torró, C. (Investigator), Mercadal Díaz, G. (Investigator), Quintero Bernabeu, M. R. (Investigator), Serrallonga Mercader, M. (Investigator), Lope Piedrafita, S. (Collaborator), Candiota Silveira, A. P. (Investigator), Pérez Ruiz, A. (Investigator), Delgado Goñi, T. (Collaborator) & Martín Sitjar de Togores, J. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)
13/12/05 → 13/12/08
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Millora del diagnòstic i de la valoració pronóstica de tumors cerebrals humans \i in vivo\i0 i en models animals i cel·lulars de la patologia
Arus Caralto, C. (Principal Investigator), Candiota Silveira, A. P. (Scholar), Coronel Linárez, I. E. (Scholar), Portas Ferreira Simoes, R. V. (Scholar), Valverde Saubí, D. (Scholar), Acebes Martin, J. J. (Researcher on contract), Acosta Mena, D. (Researcher on contract), Aguilera Grijalvo, C. (Researcher on contract), Cabiol Belmonte, J. (Researcher on contract), Julià Sapé, M. M. (Researcher on contract), Majós Torró, C. (Researcher on contract), Minguillón Alfonso, J. (Researcher on contract), Oriol Rocafiguera, A. (Researcher on contract), Quintero Bernabeu, M. R. (Researcher on contract), Tate, A. R. (Researcher on contract) & Cabañas Egaña, M. (Investigator)
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT)
1/12/02 → 1/12/05
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants