Department of Nursing

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    Edifici M

    08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)


Organisation profile

Organisation profile

El Departament d'Infermeria va ser aprovat en Consell de Govern el 15 de juliol de 2009 i té com a finalitat ser una estructura que promogui i organitzi la docència i la recerca en l'àmbit de la infermeria. Des del curs 2009-2010 imparteix docència en el Grau en Infermeria, i des del curs 2010-2011 també en el grau de Fisioteràpia a la Facultat de Medicina.

Directed by:

Juan Manuel Leyva Moral

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. Our work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 5 - Gender Equality
  • SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


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  • Teegarden's Star RV and H{alpha} curves

    Zechmeister, M. (Creator), Ribas, I. (Creator), Reiners, A. (Creator), Caballero, J. A. (Contributor), Bauer, F. F. (Creator), Béjar, V. J. S. (Contributor), González-Cuesta, L. (Contributor), Herrero, E. (Creator), Lalitha, S. (Creator), López-González, M. J. (Contributor), Luque, R. (Creator), Morales, J. C. (Creator), Pallé, E. (Contributor), Rodríguez, E. (Contributor), Rodríguez López, L. C. (Contributor), Tal-Or, L. (Creator), Anglada-Escudé, G. (Contributor), Quirrenbach, A. (Creator), Amado, P. J. (Creator), Abril, M. (Creator), Aceituno, F. J. (Creator), Aceituno, J. (Creator), Alonso-Floriano, F. J. (Creator), Ammler-Von Eiff, E. M. (Creator), Antona Jiménez, J. R. (Contributor), Anwand-Heerwart, H. (Creator), Arroyo-Torres, B. (Creator), Azzaro, M. (Creator), Baroch, D. (Creator), Barrado, D. (Creator), Becerril, S. (Creator), Benítez, D. (Contributor), Berdiñas, Z. M. (Contributor), Bergond, G. (Creator), Bluhm, P. (Creator), Brinkmöller, M. (Contributor), Del Burgo, B. C. (Creator), Calvo Ortega, O. R. (Creator), Cano, J. (Creator), Cardona Guillén, G. C. (Contributor), Carro, J. (Creator), Cárdenas Vázquez, V. M. C. (Contributor), Casal, E. (Creator), Casasayas-Barris, N. (Creator), Casanova, V. (Creator), Chaturvedi, P. (Creator), Cifuentes, C. (Creator), Claret, A. (Creator), Colomé, J. (Contributor), Cortés-Contreras, M. (Contributor), Czesla, S. (Creator), Díez-Alonso, E. (Contributor), Dorda, R. (Creator), Fernández, M. (Contributor), Fernández-Martín, A. (Contributor), Fuhrmeister, B. (Creator), Fukui, A. (Creator), Galadí-Enríquez, D. (Contributor), Gallardo Cava, C. I. (Creator), Garcia De La Fuente, D. L. F. J. (Creator), Garcia-Piquer, A. (Creator), García Vargas, V. M. L. (Contributor), Gesa, L. (Creator), Góngora Rueda, R. J. (Contributor), González-Álvarez, E. (Contributor), González Hernández, H. J. I. (Contributor), González-Peinado, R. (Contributor), Grözinger, U. (Contributor), Guàrdia, J. (Contributor), Guijarro, A. (Creator), De Guindos, G. E. (Creator), Hatzes, A. P. (Creator), Hauschildt, P. H. (Creator), Hedrosa, R. P. (Creator), Helmling, J. (Creator), Henning, T. (Creator), Hermelo, I. (Creator), Arabi, R. H. (Contributor), Castaño, L. H. (Contributor), Otero, F. H. (Contributor), Hintz, D. (Creator), Huke, P. (Creator), Huber, A. (Creator), Jeffers, S. V. (Creator), Johnson, E. N. (Creator), De Juan, J. E. (Creator), Kaminski, A. (Creator), Kemmer, J. (Creator), Kim, M. (Creator), Klahr, H. (Creator), Klein, R. (Creator), Klüter, J. (Contributor), Klutsch, A. (Creator), Kossakowski, D. (Creator), Kürster, M. (Contributor), Labarga, F. (Creator), Lafarga, M. (Creator), Llamas, M. (Creator), Lampón, M. (Contributor), Lara, L. M. (Creator), Launhardt, R. (Creator), Lázaro, F. J. (Contributor), Lodieu, N. (Creator), Del Fresno, M. L. (Contributor), López-Puertas, M. (Contributor), Salas, J. F. L. (Contributor), López-Santiago, J. (Contributor), Madinabeitia, H. M. (Contributor), Mall, U. (Creator), Mancini, L. (Creator), Mandel, H. (Creator), Marfil, E. (Creator), Molina, J. A. M. (Contributor), Fernández, D. M. (Contributor), Martín, E. L. (Contributor), Martín-Fernández, P. (Contributor), Martín-Ruiz, S. (Contributor), Marvin, C. J. (Creator), Mirabet, E. (Creator), Montañés-Rodríguez, P. (Contributor), Montes, D. (Creator), Moreno-Raya, M. E. (Creator), Nagel, E. (Creator), Naranjo, V. (Creator), Narita, N. (Creator), Nortmann, L. (Creator), Nowak, G. (Creator), Ofir, A. (Creator), Oshagh, M. (Creator), Panduro, J. (Creator), Parviainen, H. (Creator), Pascual, J. (Creator), Passegger, V. M. (Creator), Pavlov, A. (Creator), Pedraz, S. (Creator), Pérez-Calpena, A. (Contributor), Pérez Medialdea, M. D. (Contributor), Perger, M. (Creator), Perryman, M. A. C. (Contributor), Rabaza, O. (Creator), Ballesta, A. R. (Contributor), Rebolo, R. (Creator), Redondo, P. (Creator), Reffert, S. (Creator), Reinhardt, S. (Creator), Rhode, P. (Creator), Rix, H.-W. (Creator), Rodler, F. (Creator), Trinidad, A. R. (Contributor), Rosich, A. (Creator), Sadegi, S. (Creator), Sánchez-Blanco, E. (Contributor), Carrasco, M. A. S. (Contributor), Sánchez-López, A. (Contributor), Sanz-Forcada, J. (Creator), Sarkis, P. (Creator), Sarmiento, L. F. (Creator), Schäfer, S. (Contributor), Schmitt, J. H. M. M. (Contributor), Schöfer, P. (Contributor), Schweitzer, A. (Creator), Seifert, W. (Creator), Shulyak, D. (Creator), Solano, E. (Creator), Sota, A. (Creator), Stahl, O. (Creator), Stock, S. (Creator), Strachan, J. B. P. (Contributor), Stuber, T. (Creator), Stürmer, J. (Contributor), Suárez, J. C. (Contributor), Tabernero, H. M. (Creator), Tala Pinto, P. M. (Creator), Trifonov, T. (Creator), Veredas, G. (Creator), Vico Linares, L. J. I. (Creator), Vilardell, F. (Creator), Wagner, K. (Creator), Wolthoff, V. (Creator), Xu, W. (Creator), Yan, F. (Creator) & Osorio, M. R. Z. (Contributor), Centre de Donnees Strasbourg (CDS), 1 Jul 2019


  • Keys to success of a community of clinical practice in primary care: a qualitative evaluation of the ECOPIH project

    Lacasta Tintorer, D. (Contributor), Manresa Domínguez, J. M. (Contributor), Pujol-Rivera, E. (Creator), Flayeh Beneyto, S. (Contributor), Mundet Tuduri, X. (Contributor) & Saigí-Rubió, F. (Creator), figshare, 9 May 2018
