Projects per year
Organisation profile
Organisation profile
The Department of English and Germanic Studies represents a wide range of research interests such as experimental phonology, women writers, sociolinguistics, the interface between cinema and literature, corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics, Post-Colonial literature and second language acquisition.
We combine this with a strong emphasis on creating a quality learning experience in the classroom, as reflected in our ongoing participation in the university?s Teaching Enhancement programs. We also believe that our work implies a shared endeavour with our students, who have a permanent voice in departmental matters through their Student Delegation, one of the few elected bodies of its kind at the UAB.
Directed by:
Elisabet Pladevall Ballester
Research lines
- Research lines:
- Literatures of English Modernity: Romanticism, Modernism
- Forms of identity in Renaissance English cultur
- Gender Studies
- Cultural Studies
- Literatures and cultures of the Indian Ocean
- Contemporary Anglophone Literatures
- War narrative
- Women's 18th Century Literature
- First- and second-language acquisition
- Acquisition and multilingualism
- Phonology acquisition and experimental phonetics
- Contrastive linguistics
- Corpus lingustics
- Theory of linguistics
- English teaching methodologies
- Sociolinguistics and multilinguali
- Intercultural communications (pragmatics and sociolinguistics)
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
LexiCat: Developing tests for receptive and productive vocabulary skills in Catalan
Soto Corominas, A. (Principal Investigator), Serrat Sellabona, E. (Investigator), Amadó Codony, A. (Investigator), Bel Gaya, A. (Investigator), Janés Carulla, J. (Investigator), Perpiñan Hinarejos, S. (Investigator), Pladevall Ballester, E. (Investigator), Segura Mollà, M. (Investigator), Senar Morera, F. (Investigator), Sidera Caballero, F. (Investigator), Hinojo Sánchez, À. (Others), Ramos Illan, S. (Others) & Repiso Puigdelliura, G. (Others)
2/12/24 → 1/06/25
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
FemE: Feminist Cultures in Europe: History, Values, and Social Transformation (FemE)
Font Paz, C. (Principal Investigator) & Curbet Soler, J. (Collaborator)
1/11/24 → 30/10/27
Project: International educational programme
Pividori Gurgo, M. C. (Principal Investigator), Owen , D. (Principal Investigator 2), BERBERICH , C. (Collaborator), BULAMUR , N. (Collaborator), Bellot, A. R. (Collaborator), Fratani ., I. J. L. (Collaborator), Howes , C. A. (Collaborator), ROSSI , U. (Collaborator), Ruda, A. S. (Collaborator), SAENZ , A. (Collaborator), Garcia Ramirez, P. (Investigator), Gaviña Costero, M. (Investigator), Martin Alegre, S. (Investigator), Monnickendam Findlay, A. (Investigator) & Spengler , N. L. (Investigator)
1/09/24 → 31/12/27
Project: Research Projects and Other Grants
Research output
Antología de Poetisas Inglesas del Renacimiento y la Restauración
Font Paz, C., 1 Feb 2025, (Accepted in press) 360 p. (Letras Universales)Research output: Book/Report › Anthology › Research › peer-review
Owen and Sassoon Reconsidered: WWI Trauma, Memory and Contemporary Anti-War Poetry in the Post-Everything Era
Pividori, C., 21 Jan 2025, In: Tiempo devorado. 10, 1, p. 41-77 37 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review
Open Access -
Women Writing on Social Change in Early Modern Europe
Font Paz, C., 15 Feb 2025, (Accepted in press) 270 p.Research output: Book/Report › Book › Research › peer-review
Gorba and Cebrian 2021 Journal of Phonetics
Cebrian, J. (Creator) & Gorba, C. (Contributor), Mendeley Data, 11 May 2021
DOI: 10.17632/fz4wsdtpvz.1,
Vowel inventory size matters: Assessing cue-weighting in L2 vowel perception
Kivistö-De Souza, H. (Contributor), Carlet, A. (Creator), Jułkowska, I. A. (Creator) & Rato, A. (Creator), SciELO journals, 26 Dec 2018
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7516316.v1,
Vowel inventory size matters: Assessing cue-weighting in L2 vowel perception
Kivistö-De Souza, H. (Contributor), Carlet, A. (Creator), Jułkowska, I. A. (Creator) & Rato, A. (Creator), SciELO journals, 26 Dec 2018
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7516316,
Student theses
Effects of foreign language anxiety and self-esteem on oral fluency: The case of young Catalan/Spanish bilinguals learning English as a foreign language.
Marisol Torrent (Author), Vraciu, A. (Director) & Cebrián Puyuelo, J. (Director), 30 Jul 2015Student thesis: Dissertation (TFM)
An Evaluation of the Effects of Personalised and Non-Personalised Activities on Learner Discourse
Parkhill, I. (Author), Reeves , A. D. (Director), 2 Jul 1995Student thesis: Final degree project (TFG)
The acquisition of word order in child English and German.
Amr, J. (Author), Capdevila Batet, M. (Director), 3 Jun 2004Student thesis: Final degree project (TFG)