Figures 26-30 from: Valle LG, Stoianova D (2020) First record of Harpellales, Orphellales (Kickxellomycotina) and Amoebidiales (Mesomycetozoea) from Bulgaria, including a new species of Glotzia. MycoKeys 67: 55-80.



Figures 26-30 Various species of Amoebidiales. 26Paramoebidium angulatum from Nemouridae nymphs, thalli overview with typical angular shape at the upper section 27Paramoebidium chattoni from Simuliidae larva, overview, with thin filaments of Simuliomyces microsporus28Paramoebidium curvum from Simuliidae larva, overview 29Paramoebidium hamatum from Baetidae nymphs, overview of various thalli in different growth phases 30Paramoebidium inflexum from Nemouridae nymphs, thallus overview. Scale bars: 50 μm (26, 29, 30), 100 μm (27), 25 μm (28).
Date made available4 Jun 2020

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