Dataset used for the study reported in Sánchez-Martí, Ciraso-Calí, Fernández-Sequi and Pineda-Herrero (2023). The school-life balance effect on acquiring cross-disciplinary competences in VET: disruption or continuity during COVID-19? Vocations and Learning (in press). The original questionnaire was in Catalan. A translation into English is provided only for understanding porpuses, but has not been back-translated and validated. For any inquiry about the data, the tool or the research, please contact
[email protected]Project supported by the RecerCaixa 2017 call (2017ACUP00129), as part of the study entitled “Necessitats de formació a la Catalunya del futur (2030) i canvis necessaris al sistema de formació professional reglat per cobrir-les”, co-PI by Dr. Antoni Mora and Dra. Pilar Pineda