The EUCOM dataset contains information regarding six years of comitology committee voting procedures (2008-2013). All voting sheets available in the new Comitology Register of the European Commission for the years 2008-2013 were coded to identify the structure of votes and, in particular, the patterns of support and opposition to the Commission's draft implementing proposals over the period under scrutiny (N=7. 337). In order to assess the scope of contestation for any instance of voting, the number of votes 'for', votes 'against', and 'abstentions', as well as the number of votes 'not represented', were counted. This information was classified in terms of committees (222), procedures (advisory, management, regulatory, regulatory with scrutiny, or safeguard procedure, before the entry into force of the 2011 comitology reform; then advisory, examination, or regulatory with scrutiny procedures after the reform) and policy domains according to the Comitology Register's classifications. Additionally, in order to investigate the relationship between member states' national representatives' voting behaviour and the frequency of meetings, these data have been complemented with attendance lists, which are also available in the Comitology Register.
Date made available | 19 Mar 2020 |
Temporal coverage | 2008 - 2013 |
Date of data production | 2020 |