The use of fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis on sperm: indications to perform and assisted reproduction technology outcomes

Zaida Sarrate, Joan Blanco, Fernando Marina-Rugero, Juan Manuel Moreno-García, Miguel Ruiz-Jorro, Rafael Lafuente-Varea, Fernando Graña-Zanón, Rocío Núñez-Calonge, Jorge Ten, Joaquín Rueda

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PURPOSE: To determine the consequences of an altered sperm fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) result for ART outcomes and the indications for a sperm FISH analysis.

METHODS: Data from 439 infertile men were collected. Bivariate analyses were performed to determine the association of men's age, seminal alterations, and sperm FISH indication, with the incidence of X, Y, 13, 18, and 21 sperm chromosomal abnormalities. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to establish the most predictive variables for altered sperm FISH. Results from the IVF/ICSI cycles were collected for 248 out of 439 patients. Two distinct groups were established: 151 couples that used their own oocytes and 97 couples involved in egg donation programs. In both groups, ART outcomes were compared between normal and altered sperm FISH.

RESULTS: Teratozoospermia and oligozoospermia were associated with sperm chromosome anomalies (p < 0.05). Indications for sperm FISH analysis with the highest predictability were teratozoospermia, male age, oligozoospermia, and implantation failure (AUC = 0.702). Embryo quality (p = 0.096), pregnancy rate (p = 0.054), and implantation rate (p = 0.089) were higher in own-oocytes couples with normal sperm FISH than in altered sperm FISH couples, although differences were not statistically significant. In donor-oocytes couples, in which high-quality embryos were transferred later than in own-oocytes couples (3.8 vs. 3.0 days), we did not identify differences in the ART outcome between normal and altered sperm FISH couples. In both groups, the possible interference of woman age was negligible.

CONCLUSIONS: Sperm FISH is indicated in middle-aged oligoteratozoospermic patients with implantation failures in previous IVF/ICSI cycles. Sperm chromosome anomalies have a moderate detrimental impact on embryo quality, implantation, and pregnancy rates.

Idioma originalEnglish
Pàgines (de-a)1975-1987
Nombre de pàgines13
RevistaJournal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 d’oct. 2019


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