Supramolecular fullerene sponges as catalytic masks for regioselective functionalization of C60

Carles Fuertes-Espinosa, Cristina Garcia Simon, Míriam Pujals Crusat, Marc Garcia-Borràs, Laura Gómez, Teodor Parella Coll, Judith Juanhuix, Inhar Imaz, Daniel Maspoch Comamala, Miquel Costas, Xavi Ribas

Producció científica: Contribució a una revistaArticleRecercaAvaluat per experts

59 Cites (Scopus)


Isomer-pure poly-functionalized fullerenes are required to boost the development of fullerene chemistry in all fields. On a general basis, multi-adduct mixtures with uncontrolled regioselectivity are obtained, and the use of chromatographic purification is prohibitively costly and time consuming, especially in the production of solar cells. Single-isomer poly-functionalized fullerenes are only accessible via stoichiometric, multistep paths entailing protecting-unprotecting sequences. Herein, a nanocapsule is used as a supramolecular tetragonal prismatic mask to exert full control on the reactivity and the equatorial regioselectivity of Bingel-Hirsch cyclopropanation reactions of a confined C guest. Thus, equatorial bis-, tris-, and tetrakis-C homo-adducts are exclusively obtained in a stepwise manner. Furthermore, isomer-pure equatorial hetero-tetrakis-adducts or hetero-Th-hexakis-adducts are synthesized at will in one-pot synthesis for the first time. This work provides a synthetically valuable path to produce a plethora of new pure-isomer poly-functionalized C-based compounds as candidates for testing in solar cell devices and biomedical applications.
Idioma originalEnglish
Pàgines (de-a)0169-186
Nombre de pàgines18
Estat de la publicacióAcceptat en premsa - 2020


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