title = "Siete relatos g{\'o}ticos: Del papel a la pantalla",
author = "{Martin Alegre}, Sara",
note = "Traducido de: {"}The legend of Sleepy Hollow{"} Washington Irving, {"}An Incident at Owl Creek Bridge{"} Ambrose Bierce {"}Hoichi, the Earless{"} Lafcadio Hearn {"}Casting the runes{"} M.R. James {"}Spurs{"} Clarence Aaron 'Tod' Robbins {"}The Most Dangerous Prey{"} Richard Connell {"}The Devil and Daniel Webster{"} Stephen Vincent Benet. , 01 febrero 1900",
year = "2006",
month = jan,
day = "1",
language = "Espa{\~n}ol",
volume = "1",
series = "La barca de Caronte",
edition = "1",