Shared bikes vs. private e-scooters. Understanding patterns of use and demand in a policy-constrained micromobility environment

Oriol Roig-Costa*, Carme Miralles-Guasch, Oriol Marquet

*Autor corresponent d’aquest treball

Producció científica: Contribució a una revistaArticleRecercaAvaluat per experts

1 Citació (Scopus)
3 Descàrregues (Pure)


Urban mobility has undergone a transformation with the advent of micromobility vehicles, leading to a multitude of studies investigating the factors that drive early adoption and the sustainability and equity implications. However, in a context where local administrations struggle regarding how to fit different micromobility systems within the urban ecosystem, little is understood about how political regulations impact micromobility users' modal choices This study aims to shed light on the differences between private e-scooters and shared bikes in Barcelona, a city where micromobility options face distinct regulatory frameworks, and also to understand the factors that influence an individual's choice between these two modes of micromobility. The study employs a self-reported intercept survey on 651 micromobility users and builds a logistic binary regression model to examine the characteristics that differentiate e-scooter and shared bike adopters. Results indicate notable differences between adopters of the two modes and suggest that city regulations might play a role in determining the choice of mode. Furthermore, the study finds that while both modes follow similar mode replacement paths, shared bikes have a higher potential to keep users away from cars. These findings contribute to the limited knowledge on the choice between different modes of micromobility and highlight the impact of policy design on diverse population groups. As more cities are banning free-floating from city centres, it is essential to understand how these selective bans and restrictive policies have an impact on micromobility users' modal choices.
Idioma originalEnglish
Pàgines (de-a)116-125
Nombre de pàgines10
RevistaTransport Policy
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - de febr. 2024


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