Chastre, J, François, B, Bourgeois, M, Komnos, A
, Ferrer, R, Rahav, G, De Schryver, N, Lepape, A, Koksal, I, Luyt, C-E, Sánchez-García, M, Torres, A, Eggimann, P, Koulenti, D, Holland, TL, Ali, O, Shoemaker, K, Ren, P, Sauser, J, Ruzin, A, Tabor, DE, Akhgar, A, Wu, Y, Jiang, Y, DiGiandomenico, A, Colbert, S, Vandamme, D, Coenjaerts, F, Malhotra-Kumar, S, Timbermont, L, Oliver, A, Barraud, O, Bellamy, T, Bonten, M, Goossens, H, Reisner, C, Esser, MT, Jafri, HS, Joannidis, M, Klimscha, W, De Waele, E, Devriendt, J, Huberlant, V, Depuydt, P, Van Boxstael, S, Peric, M, Kopic, J, Hanauer, M, Hruby, T, Sramek, V, Svoboda, P, Vymazal, T, Novacek, M, Annane, D, Mira, J-P, Souweine, B, Dequin, P-F, Meziani, F, Stephan, F, Nseir, S, Gibot, S, Schwebel, C, Plantefeve, G, Diehl, J-L, Richard, C, Lamer, C, Klouche, K, Jaber, S, Zakynthinos, E, Filntisis, G, Zakynthinos, S, Koutsoukou, A, Saroglou, G, Nikolaou, C, Vlachogianni, G, Pnevmatikos, I, Mandragos, K, Kremer, I, Rozgonyi, ZD, Marjanek, Z, Martin-Loeches, I, Singer, P, Van Heerden, V, Carmeli, Y, Povoa, P, AlvarezSeoane, A, Moura, P, Gonzalez, F, Ramirez, P, Torres Marti, A, Oteiza, L, Escudero, D, Piacentini, E, Vera-Artazcoz, P, Tamayo, L, Gonzalez Gallego, MA, Suberviola Canas, B, Figueira, I, Leon, R, Korten, V, Akova, M, Wyncoll, D, Whitehouse, T, Hopkins, P, Sim, M, Golan, Y, Zervos, M, Vazquez, J, Cherabuddi, K, Smulian, G, Rouphael, N, Welker, J, Sims, M, Van Duin, D, McCarthy, T & Polk, C 2022, '
Safety, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics of gremubamab (MEDI3902), an anti-Pseudomonas aeruginosa bispecific human monoclonal antibody, in P. aeruginosa-colonised, mechanically ventilated intensive care unit patients : a randomised controlled trial',
Critical Care, vol. 26, núm. 1.