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The main target of this document is to find out relevant sources that will be considered during the project lifespan. These sources will be the main input for task 2.3 and task 2.4 that consist of building a decision tree map (taxonomy with concepts and their relationships) and the design and
standardization of the questionnaire that will be implemented in the RightsApp mobile applications.
standardization of the questionnaire that will be implemented in the RightsApp mobile applications.
Idioma original | English |
Editor | Rightsapp Project EU |
Comissió | Comissió Europea (CE) |
Nombre de pàgines | 16 |
DOIs | |
Estat de la publicació | Publicada - 5 de juny 2018 |
Navegar pels temes de recerca de 'RightsApp – D2.1 Report on key sources for the project'. Junts formen un fingerprint únic.Projectes
- 1 Acabat
RIGHTSAPP: Mobile Technologies applied to protect victims of crime within the EU Area of Justice: RightsApp for e-Justice (RightsApp)
Gonzalez Conejero, J. (Investigador/a principal), Guardiola Lago, M. J. (Investigador/a), Rodriguez Puerta, M. J. (Investigador/a), Roig Batalla, A. (Investigador/a), Teodoro Martinez, E. (Investigador/a), Varela Figueroa, R. (Investigador/a) & Zapater Duque, E. (Investigador/a)
1/03/18 → 31/08/20
Projecte: Projecte Internacional de Recerca