Retrograde replacement of andalusite by Ca-Na mica in chloritoid-bearing metapelites. PTX modelling of rocks with different Al content in the MnNCKFMASH system

Francisco Z. Martinez, J. Reche, M. L. Arboleya, M. Julivert

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8 Cites (Scopus)


Andalusite porphyroblasts are totally pseudomorphosed by margarite-paragonite aggregates in aluminous pelites containing the peak mineral assemblage andalusite, chlorite, chloritoid, margarite, paragonite, quartz ± garnet, in a NW Iberia contact area. Equilibria at low P-T are investigated using new KFMASH and (mainly) MnCNKFMASH grids constructed with Thermocalc 3.21. P-T and T-X pseudosections with phase modal volume isopleths are constructed for compositions relatively richer and poorer in andalusite to model the assemblages in an andalusite-bearing rock that contains a thin andalusite-rich band (ARB) during retrogression. Their compositions, prior to retrogression, are used in the modelling, and have been retrieved by restoring the pseudomorph-forming elements into the current-depleted matrix, except for Al2O3which is assumed to be immobile. Compositional differences between the thin band and the rest of the rock have not resulted in differences in andalusite porphyroblast retrogression. The absence of chloritoid resorbtion implies either a pressure increase at constant reacting-system composition, or that its composition changed during retrogression at constant pressure, by becoming enriched in the progressively replaced andalusite porphyroblasts. T-X pseudosections at 1 kbar model this latter process using as end-members in X, first, the restored original rock and ARB compositions, and, then the same process, taking into account the change in composition of both as retrogression proceeded. The MnNCKFMASH pseudosections of rocks with different Al contents facilitate making further deductions on the rock-composition control of the resulting assemblages upon retrogression. Andalusite eventually disappears in relatively Al-poor rocks, resulting, as in this study, in a rock formed by chloritoid-chlorite as the only FM minerals, plus margarite-paragonite pseudomorphs of andalusite. In rocks richer in Al, chlorite would progressively disappear and a kyanite /andalusite-chloritoid assemblage would eventually be stable at retrograde conditions. The Al-silicate, stable during retrogression in Al-rich rocks, indicates pressure conditions and hence the tectonic context under which retrogression took place. © 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Idioma originalEnglish
Pàgines (de-a)777-792
RevistaJournal of Metamorphic Geology
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de des. 2004


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