Probabilistic metrology attains macroscopic cloning of quantum clocks

B. Gendra, J. Calsamiglia, R. Muñoz-Tapia, E. Bagan, G. Chiribella

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5 Cites (Scopus)


© 2014 American Physical Society. It has recently been shown that probabilistic protocols based on postselection boost the performances of the replication of quantum clocks and phase estimation. Here we demonstrate that the improvements in these two tasks have to match exactly in the macroscopic limit where the number of clones grows to infinity, preserving the equivalence between asymptotic cloning and state estimation for arbitrary values of the success probability. Remarkably, the cloning fidelity depends critically on the number of rationally independent eigenvalues of the clock Hamiltonian. We also prove that probabilistic metrology can simulate cloning in the macroscopic limit for arbitrary sets of states when the performance of the simulation is measured by testing small groups of clones.
Idioma originalEnglish
Número d’article260402
RevistaPhysical Review Letters
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 31 de des. 2014


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