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In Catalan, sequences of sibilants are never pronounced as such. In most contexts all varieties coincide in the «strategies» used to avoid these sequences, namely epenthesis or deletion. Variation is only found in the domain of pronominal clitics (but not with other types of clitics). One source of variation is accounted for by decomposing a general constraint into two specific ones, which implies partial constraint reranking. The other source of variation, which involves a case of appa- rent opacity, is explained through an Output-Output constraint that makes reference to paradig- matic relations.
Idioma original | English |
Pàgines (de-a) | 19-39 |
Nombre de pàgines | 21 |
Revista | Catalan Journal of Linguistics |
Volum | 1 |
DOIs | |
Estat de la publicació | Publicada - 1 de des. 2002 |
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La interpretación y la combinación de los rasgos gramaticales:del Léxico a la realización fonética.
Picallo Soler, M. D. C. (Investigador/a principal), Gavarró Algueró, A. (Investigador/a contractat/da), Lloret Romañach, M. R. (Investigador/a contractat/da), Prieto Vives, P. (Investigador/a contractat/da), Quer Villanueva, J. (Investigador/a contractat/da), Vallverdu Alborna, M. T. (Investigador/a contractat/da), Bonet, E. (Investigador/a), Cabré Monné, T. (Investigador/a), Jiménez Martínez, J. (Investigador/a), Mascaró, J. (Investigador/a) & Rigau Oliver, G. (Investigador/a)
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT)
19/12/00 → 19/12/03
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