Mechanisms to appoint arbitrator panels or sets of judges by compromise between concerned parties

S. Barberà, Danilo Coelho

Producció científica: Working PaperWorking paper

1 Descàrregues (Pure)


We propose mechanisms for two parties with potentially con.icting objectives to jointly select a predetermined number of candidates to occupy decision-making positions. Two leading examples of these situations are: i) the selection of an arbitrator panel by two con.icting .rms, and ii) the bipartisan coalition.s selection of a set of judges to occupy court vacancies. We analyze the e¢ ciency, fairness, and simplicity of equilibrium outcomes in strategic games induced by these mechanisms. Their e¤ectiveness hinges on the parties. preferences over the sets containing the required number of candidates to be chosen.
Idioma originalEnglish
EditorBSE Working Papers
Nombre de pàgines36
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 5 de juny 2024

Sèrie de publicacions

NomBSE Working Papers


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    Massó, J. (Investigador/a principal), Barberà, S. (Col.laborador/a), Sancho, F. (Col.laborador/a), Guerra Hernandez, A. I. (Investigador/a), Milán Solé, P. (Investigador/a), Vila Carnicero, F. J. (Investigador/a), Payró, F. (Col.laborador/a), Lleonart Anguix, M. (Col.laborador/a), Chatterji, S. (Col.laborador/a), Bramuelle, Y. (Col.laborador/a) & Rojas Duenas, L. E. (Col.laborador/a)


    Projecte: Projectes i Ajuts a la Recerca

  • Diseño institucional y buenas prácticas de gobierno: teoría, aplicaciones y simulación. INDAGO

    Barberà, S. (Investigador/a principal), Ayllon Aragon, G. (Becari/a), Balart Castro, P. (Becari/a), Caramuta ., D. (Becari/a), Filippos , L. (Becari/a), Gjorgjiev, R. (Becari/a), Li , N. (Becari/a), Merlino , L. P. (Becari/a), Ozturk , T. (Becari/a), Bervoets ., S. J. (Investigador/a contractat/da), Beviá Baeza, M. D. C. (Investigador/a contractat/da), Ballester Oyarzun, M. A. (Investigador/a), Brown, D. J. (Investigador/a), Calsamiglia Costa, C. (Investigador/a), Coelho, D. (Investigador/a), Flamand ., S. (Investigador/a), Groenert ., V. (Investigador/a), Haeringer , G. (Investigador/a), Jackson, M. O. (Investigador/a), Massó, J. (Investigador/a), Miralles Asensio, A. (Investigador/a), Mukherjee ., S. (Investigador/a), Neme, A. (Investigador/a), Nicolo, A. (Investigador/a), Nozomu , M. (Investigador/a) & Vila Carnicero, F. J. (Investigador/a)

    Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC)


    Projecte: Projectes i Ajuts a la Recerca

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