La investigación en didáctica de la historia

Rodrigo Henríquez Vásquez, Joan Pagès

Producció científica: Contribució a una revistaArticleRecercaAvaluat per experts


The authors explain in this article their research in the situation ofthe investigation in Hstory didactic. The stating pont is scientific literature publisched in dijferent countries, specialy in the anglo saxon wod, France and Italy and, for the thematic diversity, in the concentration of somes investigations and about some caractheristics who will Uve the investigators ofSpanish language to know, to compare or to definite his modele ofinvestigation. The investigations in English countries is beng refer to those three states: the learning and the teacher, the good teaching practices and the histories knlewges ofthe studens. The French investigations have the objet ofthe studie of the pupils, the social function of the History and her concentration in contents and programs and, due of the investigations in Italy, are important the ones who take about investigations teachers who goes together the theory with the practices of the learning of the History, developing some projects of the classroom, the analysis of the contents and concretes experiences and to be a member of the groupe Clio,92. In conclusión ofthis article is been given by the necessity of knowing what we are lookingfor the investigation in other countries to be apart of the international context.
Idioma originalSpanish
Pàgines (de-a)0063-84
Nombre de pàgines22
RevistaEducacion XX1
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2004

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